Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA

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  • Hover

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Wipe and sit

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Birdnest

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • eww, i'm to uppidy to use a public tiolet

    Votes: 6 25.0%

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If you can’t laugh at yourself you’re FUKT!!!
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Dec 5, 2016
Goat Rodeo Clown
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You guys are focusing on the wrong questions. Why does home boy got a bottle of mustard in his bag?
View attachment 98161
Have you never heard of applying Mustard to burns to take away the sting???

Same applies to gunshot wounds where half your bicep is missing. Add mustard.
Yum yum!!


Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 7, 2018
Newnan, GA
Zip code
When did i ever say i had done or experienced any of what you listed?? You are trying to turn this into something completely different or just being belligerent. Now for the chemical issue, I have been a stupid kid tho and mixed ammonia and bleach as well as worked jobs were I i have cleaned with pure ammonia. I can vouch that there is a very obvious difference between a chlorine gas (what nazis used in the holocaust) and ammonia (what janitors use). Are you just incapable of interacting with people who have different opinions cause it seems that way. Go get some toenail water and relax I am not trying to say i am better than you or that one of us has an correct opinion, I'm just trying to talk to people I respect who have also seen a lot more shit that I have about something that is pretty fucking scary to see on American soil. You have served overseas so your opinion is one of the ones I want to get because that's experience that I respect and have been bless to not have to go through but I'm not just gonna let you shit on me for no damn reason. Also what is the relevance of the airsoft comment, just another jab to try and get a response?

Lighten up Francis


Lifetime Supporter
Mar 25, 2015
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Be still my heart ...

Mr. Goodbar

Savage Hooligan
Kalash Klub
Jul 1, 2015
Only matters where I'm going
It’s so hard finding a link to the video of the 17 year old speaking before the shooting. He’s a good guy. It just doesn’t fit the narrative so google and all the other media outlets are likely suppressing it
Hate to say it but odt got a good thread on this with loads of info, how i seen a lot of the videos


Oct 14, 2019
Southeast Georgia
you got me man, im definitely a grade A+ snowflake.

Look you’re repeatedly trying to blame a guy who as far as we know is a victim of not one potentially deadly assault, but 3. If that’s the facts we’re all running with, blaming the victim isn’t Different at all from blaming another victim of a different demographic for putting themselves in a position that may have led them to a higher probability of having said crime perpetrated against them; I.E. a provocative woman In the wrong part of town being the victim of a sexual assault. The example is in the same ballpark it just struck a nerve with you and that’s ok, that’s what I was trying to do because to me your rationale is ridiculous.
As far as the kids thing, you’re statement was

So who the fuck is illiterate now? I just read what you said and thought “well never is a strong word I can think of several instances a minor may serve as judge, jury, and executioner”

Also from my 5 years hanging out with all these guys on a personal level they’ll all tell you I’m totally an over-reactionary, immature, snowflake- nailed it on the head buddy
Would you ever want a child of your to have to shoot a person and live with the trauma from that situation, the obvious answer is fuck no. Now when your life or their life is in danger that is much different. That kid willingly put himself in danger which adds context to the situation that doesn't make things look good. Also saying they "should never" is very different from just saying they "cannot" or "never", one is meant to signify the ideal situation where a kid wouldn't be exposed to shit like that but things happen that aren't ideal. Also for the as far as we know part, its almost all speculation besides the number bodies dropped and the short video we have, you just interpret it different than me. I don't have combat experience so that very well may be why i see it differently because i haven't been in a situation even remotely like that and hope to god that i never am. We have no video or images of the first shooting so everything about that is 100% speculation. You are doing back flips defending this guy when there has been no solid info on whether or not he killed the first person in self defense, I have already said that if retreating changes the legality of him firing from the ground in the video that i can understand and see grounds for self defense for the later part if the shooting, but we have no clue about the first part. All i know is i have never been to a gas station that i would be willing to put my life on the line for and find it hard to believe that this kid felt compelled to protect one with his. If they were getting make-shift bombs thrown at them then yeah that would be self defense but that part is just speculation currently and could go either way when more evidence comes out. And you for sure have seniority in this forum as well as the OG one on ODT over me but from the shit i have seen you post for the roughly 2.5 years i have participated or just read through these forums i know for a fact that you like to fuck with people or say edgy shit and thats fine its normally funny as hell but when you start saying what a persons moral compass is without meeting them I think you are crossing the the same line as OiO was by going after rabbit, just in a slightly more toned down form. Ill freely admit the rape comment got under my skin cause that's fucked up but you know damn well you were trying to be a dick rather than talking about what happened in Wisconsin. Im fine with you disagreeing with me but if you make rash accusations against me or my morals expect the same in return.


Oct 14, 2019
Southeast Georgia
No the relevance is “the bomb wasn’t a dangerous bomb because it was mixed wrong” it is STILL a bomb regardless of if the assembly was executed properly
An Airsoft gun isn’t dangerous because it shoots plastic BBs so it’s not a gun - that’s the same idea of a bomb that’s not assembled correctly not deserving the same response as though it had been assembled correctly. In the eyes of the law if you use the Airsoft gun as though it was a real gun you can respond to that threat as though it were a real gun (or poorly assembled bomb for that matter) because it’s not reasonable for people to have to assume a bomb is or isn’t real nor an Airsoft rifle is or isn’t a real rifle

it was yet another example, like the chick one

Then i misunderstood what you were saying the bomb part and the airsoft part seemed to contradict so I thought it was underhanded, thats on me. And saying "I bet you think its a woman's fault for being raped" isnt an example at all, its a dig at my morals and is just blatantly shitty.

AC-130 Above

Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
Zip code

here it is what we've all been bickering about today, this is a link to a compilation of multiple videos, from the dude that got shot in the head to the other 2 guys later on. I am saying it was SELF DEFENSE

click on the Kenosha tab, this was the only way I could link it, too many videos

AC-130 Above

Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
Zip code
Would you ever want a child of your to have to shoot a person and live with the trauma from that situation, the obvious answer is fuck no. Now when your life or their life is in danger that is much different. That kid willingly put himself in danger which adds context to the situation that doesn't make things look good. Also saying they "should never" is very different from just saying they "cannot" or "never", one is meant to signify the ideal situation where a kid wouldn't be exposed to shit like that but things happen that aren't ideal. Also for the as far as we know part, its almost all speculation besides the number bodies dropped and the short video we have, you just interpret it different than me. I don't have combat experience so that very well may be why i see it differently because i haven't been in a situation even remotely like that and hope to god that i never am. We have no video or images of the first shooting so everything about that is 100% speculation. You are doing back flips defending this guy when there has been no solid info on whether or not he killed the first person in self defense, I have already said that if retreating changes the legality of him firing from the ground in the video that i can understand and see grounds for self defense for the later part if the shooting, but we have no clue about the first part. All i know is i have never been to a gas station that i would be willing to put my life on the line for and find it hard to believe that this kid felt compelled to protect one with his. If they were getting make-shift bombs thrown at them then yeah that would be self defense but that part is just speculation currently and could go either way when more evidence comes out. And you for sure have seniority in this forum as well as the OG one on ODT over me but from the shit i have seen you post for the roughly 2.5 years i have participated or just read through these forums i know for a fact that you like to fuck with people or say edgy shit and thats fine its normally funny as hell but when you start saying what a persons moral compass is without meeting them I think you are crossing the the same line as OiO was by going after rabbit, just in a slightly more toned down form. Ill freely admit the rape comment got under my skin cause that's fucked up but you know damn well you were trying to be a dick rather than talking about what happened in Wisconsin. Im fine with you disagreeing with me but if you make rash accusations against me or my morals expect the same in return.
do you really expect any of us to read all that lol