GA Firing Line

When SHTF, Do You BUG OUT? or BUG IN?


Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter

I have some fat and juicy neighbors that should grill up nicely...


Gone In 60 Seconds
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Kalash Klub
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I am going to Bug In I have enough for Si.......................... weeks here


Director of Lavatory Services
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I have a few locations and routes already planned depending on the severity and type of situation. Only bugging in for milder scenarios, since I live in a subdivision, more potential for danger, less ability to defend the fort.


Not A Doctor
Depending on the situation. Bug out to my In laws farm is the ideal solution. But that's a five hour drive under ideal conditions. More than likely go to my parents house, its alot closer and my best friend lives 6 houses down so I have some people I trust I can hole up with.


Bugging in for the first 3-4 weeks for any initial and immediate concerns to die down, then scavenge a little around my immediate area and head to the mountains.


Turning dollars into pennies.
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I plan on bugging in for a little bit of time. But will end up at the patents house where there are a lot more resources and easier security. Plus they're better stocked and I already have supplies there to make it for a long time. Everything that I have been acquiring lately is being stored there.

Read that years ago. Good advice from someone who lived it. There is also a dude out there that wrote about living in a small city under siege during the bosnia/ kosovo conflict His name was Kelso or Selco or something like that that. That was some hair raising apocalyptic shit.

I live pretty far out and plan on staying here unless the situation just becomes completely untenable. Being a refugee sucks.

Found it.

"Nobody wins, we just survive with lots of bad dreams."
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I agree. I'm not leaving my house unless absolutely necessary. you have cover, dry place. you're somewhat safe. at least a lot more than sleeping outside. you can move all food, water, ammo and guns into one room. basically leaving the rest of the house with just useless furniture that you might end up burning to stay warm if you don't stock up on wood.
if I have to leave I could go to a couple of different places. my hunting property, friends hunting property, or family property on hartwell. only problem, those are far away even by car. 2hrs. walking that would be a bitch.
I'm the first house in my neighborhood so I don't know a lot of people in my subdivision. only 45 houses. I'm sure most are like the rest of the sheep.
Then coming over here? I'll stay bugged in as long as I can too. It would take blue helmets going door to door collecting Christians to get me out of my stash



If you're gonna go you need to be the first. Go early, go fast, go far. Have somewhere to go to.


Trusted Trader
Hunker down with security on my mind. Lay low and keep quiet.

a good SF friend told me that in a 3rd world country facing civil unrest, the ones laying low survived. The ones walking around robbing and shooting such were not as lucky

Red Dawn

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Bug in for as long as possible and stand my ground.

If you plan on bug out move quickly major interstates and roads will be the first to go into lockdown. Take a map and know a couple different routes just in case.


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Then coming over here? I'll stay bugged in as long as I can too. It would take blue helmets going door to door collecting Christians to get me out of my stash

i'll come to your place. if you're invaded, am I expected to shoot straight after drinking scotch all day?


The thing people don't ever really, truly consider is you have to have somewhere to bug out to. You can't one day decide "Nope, we gotta leave" and expect to have a reasonable chance of success with no destination (that's set up for whatever you need) in mind.