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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. georgia357

    What To Do Before EMS Arrives

    Lots of good information there, thanks for posting them.
  2. georgia357

    41F and your info

    About the same for anybody that's been in the military. I had a Top Secret clearance so they already know all there is to know about me so it wouldn't change anything for me.
  3. georgia357

    M1 Helmet restoration/refinishing hobby

    Looks pretty good, I would like to see one in person.
  4. georgia357

    Metal Storm

    This was a hot item a few years back and the I didn't see/hear anything else about it. Looks like it would be an awesome weapon.
  5. georgia357

    Rattle can AR

    Looks pretty good. I'm going to try that on mine.
  6. georgia357

    My Sheriff's Department doesn't 'do' NFA/ATF fingerprinting

    I didn't, just walked right in and ordered a beer.
  7. georgia357

    So. Much. Fail.

    Damn, he was getting pretty close with some of those shots. Is he trying to copy the Russians?
  8. georgia357

    This is very important.

    Let me make a note of that to keep in my wallet along with all the other PSA's.
  9. georgia357

    SET's HD weapon of choice?

    That comes automatically after people find out that "A Sign outside the house that says "This is a Gun Free Zone", doesn't work.
  10. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    There's actually waves at PCB?
  11. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. :yo:
  12. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    A Navy guy, I'm guessing.:usa2:
  13. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    Glad you found the little feller. You're right about sometimes the small things can mean so much.
  14. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    I thought that there wasn't no way this was true, looks like I was wrong. "Donna Braquet, who runs the university's Pride Center, wrote the guidelines, which are accompanied with a long table demonstrating how to replace the regular parts of speech." Read more...
  15. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    I really liked seeing the Opryland Hotel, awesome place.
  16. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    That's something I've never understood. Gas has got to be put in at sometime, why not do as you said, put it in between half and quarter full.
  17. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    Wow man, that is awesome. As blueknight said, you got yourself a sure nuf keeper.
  18. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    To me, that is just wrong on so many counts. I'm guessing anti-freeze next. I'm for shooting every wild dog that there is, but also against torturing them.
  19. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    I'll drink to that.
  20. georgia357

    Public toilets?

    I'd shoot the heck out of them. Two people got killed a couple of years ago by wild dogs. They only lived about two miles through the woods from us. Those packs can be very dangerous.