Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

American Revival Apparel Company


Clown Baby
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Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
Da moon
Good deal here


If you can’t laugh at yourself you’re FUKT!!!
Kalash Klub
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Dec 5, 2016
Goat Rodeo Clown
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Have a little boy they said. It'll be so much fun they said. They never warn you about getting pissed on every time you change his diaper though. Now I know why my wife won't shower with me anymore.
My son pissed on me ONCE. Right after he was born, they gave him a warm bath, wrapped him in a towel, and handed him to me. Immediately he pissed.
I changed his diaper at least as often as his mother, and while he got her, he never got me again.
There’s a simple technique:
1) Unfold new diaper BEFORE you unwrap the old one
2) lay it on the table under the child
3) pull out wipes, position several of them at the corner of the changing table
4) unwrap stanky diaper, using the upper edges to make first wipe if there’s poop
5) grab ankles and lift up, while wiping the kids’ bottom, using as many wipes as necessary. Place these used wipes inside the dirty diaper.
6) move dirty diaper aside, folding the dirty sides toward themselves, exposing the new diaper underneath. Quickly wrap up the child with the new diaper.
7) return focus to used diaper, folding it in upon itself and using the adhesive tabs to wrap it onto a toxic little burrito from hell.
8) dispose of burrito from hell in a Kroger bag, tied up to keep the demons from getting loose.

All of this should take 15-20 seconds.
If the child begins to piss, flip either the used diaper or the new diaper over the child.
Then let them continue playing with their hand grenades and flame throwers.


oW n ER
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Kalash Klub
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Jun 19, 2020
Emerson GA
I guess I should post a poll but...

Ok, growing up, Santa gifts were unwrapped like @Chainsaw is showing.

My wife's family the opposite - Santa wrapped all his gifts.

How was it done in your family?
My mother got really big into the televangelist movement in the late eighties, whereupon everything you could imagine was rendered evil, including ol St. Nick. I don't remember ever even believing in Santa. For my older kids, we left the presents from Santa unwrapped, and wrapped the stuff from us. Kinda doing the same thing-ish now, although just mostly wrapping everything so it's more fun for her in the morning.