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Southeast Traders Apparel Swag Store
  1. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Marriage ain't really legal if no shootin was done.
  2. G

    SOLD .45 acp and 1911 mags

    Man, wish I had some money. Somebody should jump on this.
  3. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Posting this here as well as the Vaccine Mandates thread. It needs to be spread far & wide...
  4. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I did not take your moniez, My wallet is still empty.
  5. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Just me, Duke, Sturgill & some fairly decent applejack ending the day:
  6. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    When I die, i want a funeral procession with this flag flying from the trucks following the hearse.
  7. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Blackberry, apricot, strawberry, plum. Suz doesn't care for fig, but I do. Figgiestraw sounds like something I'd go for. Apple butter.
  8. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Well, the universe continues to give me whiplash. @Axeman has a line on a dryer for me that will solve one problem. Another member has generously sent me money towards a new phone. But now both toilets are running constantly so I'm going to have to install repair kits for the 1st time since my...
  9. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Gib it to me, then it's my problem, not yours. You're welcome.
  10. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    @AC-130 Above, I agree with this completely.
  11. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    On another note, got my phone running & backing up to the cloud. Don't know how long it will last but hopefully enough to download to a new phone tomorrow. Never underestimate what a determined redneck can do worth a really sharp knife, copper wire, alligator clips & a propane torch.
  12. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Not knocking him at all. never had the pleasure to meet him & would always rather buy from a small business. (Ran one myself for over 20 years.) Just figured if he was no longer on the boards people might need an alternate source.
  13. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Unless he did something special to them after purchase, you can order them from Walmart:
  14. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    And now my phone has completely died. Someone wake me when it's 2022.
  15. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Dryer is prolly dead. It was a nice LG I bought at the scratch and dent place 14 years ago. I 'like just buy something cheaper than the drive motor for it. Also, since my stroke I have a hard time doing as much work myself because my hands are so weak & get shaky. My old beat up truck is in...
  16. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Preciate it. Everything is falling through for me these days. Every well I've dug is dry.
  17. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Please stop torturing a man on the edge of a psychotic break.
  18. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I need this to save my soul.
  19. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    and my hopeless, pointless depressing week continues.
  20. G

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3
