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Faktory 47
  1. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

  2. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    agreed but when you gun is stolen you should blame no one but yourself. and it makes you irresponsible too just saying. its legal, just a terrible idea. hell i should be allowed to leave my ak47 loaded on a gun rack in an unlocked pickup truck with the windows down
  3. Thenut

    Who let Bypass near the UZI?

    i got to fire an uzi at the range the other day stupid easy to control full auto.
  4. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    get a fucking console lock for 299 then you wont have to replace a 400 dollar gun it effects me because thugtastic now has your stolen gun........and it means he is going to rob someone with it or kill them
  5. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    sir, please continue to be the ambassador you were meant to be :)
  6. Thenut

    New Years crowd

    should i start going in the mornings? i usually go after work
  7. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    first they would have to know you are strapped "hey, no boners during a lapdance"........."wait, thats no boner!" also i think the cop would issue you a warning citation that expresses you are no longer welcome if its a business open to the public. their attempt to control their patrons has...
  8. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    thats assuming you wait around for the cops as soon as they ask me to leave, im leaving (fuck the tab) and producing a middle finger as i go. if they want me to pay for my drinks they can bring their credit card machine outside the door where i will be
  9. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    i own a safe at my house. it makes sense to properly secure your weapons. i carry mine everywhere and leave the others locked up unless i need them or im at home. a house is far less likely to be burglarized than a vehicle parked on the street and no, most guns arent stolen by folks they...
  10. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    they probably had one of their star student strippers working on her law degree draft it up in between giving lap dances to dudes old enough to be her father id say it holds less water than the sahara
  11. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    fuck no tell them you arent fluent in dumbass and therefor couldnt understand the stupid sign
  12. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    yup the only time i have to leave a gun in my car is if i have to file something with the clerk at the court
  13. Thenut

    stop leaving guns in your car

    is it that fucking hard to not do? i keep reading about how people get their gats stolen from their truck and act surprised about it this post is aimed at the folks who live a gun in their car 24/7 for some reason. i understand there are the few occasions where you might need to leave it. if...
  14. Thenut


    and its dropping again some folks thinking it will get as low as 12 in january
  15. Thenut

    silver ring out of a quarter

    damn, i couldnt imagine using a spoon and a pocket knife this took some time, and i used a dremel tool and a hammer lol
  16. Thenut

    silver ring out of a quarter

    no, its only illegal to deface or change it in order to pass it off as something of higher value im not turning this into more money
  17. Thenut

    silver ring out of a quarter

    had no idea what to get my mother for christmas, so i figured id make her something doesnt seem hard. this is my first attempt (this is about 2 hours of hammering lightly)
  18. Thenut

    So. Much. Fail.

    wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf ya im done with this discussion lol
  19. Thenut

    So. Much. Fail.

    that is so fucked i have heard of that, but never knew about any of it personally nor saw anything of it i think the worst thing we encountered was a few fist fights and one of the females being a notorious whore (i wouldnt have touched her with a pole)