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Faktory 47
  1. Shemp

    Tax stamp asside....

    Is there any reason not to have an SBR,either AK or AR, as a primary general purpose rifle? You could theoretically carry it with you every where you go in a discreet backpack....In an urban environment like Atlanta and suburbs the effective range of even 8" barreled SBR AK and AR guns is more...
  2. Shemp

    I think I'm going to build a super-budget AR

    Like the title says I'm going to build a super budget AR. I have some furniture left over from other builds and can get a stripped lower for cheap.... Anybody got AR parts they'd be willing to let go for free or super cheap? I'm talking anything...that random AR stuff you have rolling around...
  3. Shemp

    Smoking threadthread

    Let's use this as a thread to show each other what we are smoking so we can give each other ideas on what to try next....kinda like the drankin' thread. Cigars preferred but anything goes.... Tonight I'm enjoying a Trinidad Reyes...I'd classify it as a medium to medium-full. Damn fine cigar but...
  4. Shemp

    Impact crater simulator

    Kind of fun....and terrifying since we likely wouldn't know it's coming and even if we did there's little to nothing we could do about it.
  5. Shemp

    Next gun purchase

    So I feel pretty well equipped as far as rifles go with my two AK74s...i think I might be making another rifle purchase relatively soon and can't decide between building an AR or buying a PTR91. I can get the PTR for about 750 new and the AR...probably around 600. I don't know if I really need...
  6. Shemp

    Iphone vs AK74

    Kinda neat. In the second shot look at th exit hole on the second or third phone...I'd say that 7n6 projectile was tumbling pretty well.
  7. Shemp

    Question on Precious Metals

    I am going to be getting back into buying some more PM now that it is somehow getting cheaper...I was just curious if those of you that buy it stick to US mint coins or if you branch out and get the Euro, British, or Mexican coins as well? Any downside to buying foreign coins?
  8. Shemp

    Ever wonder what a nuke detonation would look like in ATL? You can input any city and toggle between known nuclear weapons...neat, and terrifying.
  9. Shemp

    Century of the Self

    If you've never heard of it I'd recommend watching it. It's a good documentary on how we got to where we are as a society... Here's a good clip
  10. Shemp

    We Need Ammo!

    Never you mind why...
  11. Shemp

    Florida Vacation PSA I laughed and laughed
  12. Shemp

    50 BMG.... it was intended.
  13. Shemp

    "In Guns We Trust"...Kennesaw GA Interesting...especially how the article doesn't really contain any substance...just empty description. I guess they didn't like that the...
  14. Shemp

    My Dobbs AK 105 clone buildbuild

    Since I got into AKs a whole 1 month ago I have wanted an AK103/4/5 clone. I just love the look of the integrated front sight and gas block...very reminiscent of the Galil and Valmet dream guns. I got a great deal on an Arsenal SLR104FR and decided to use that as the basis for my clone. Arsenal...
  15. Shemp

    Burning Old glory is Ok.... but flying the rebel flag is monstrous.
  16. Shemp

    First taking down flags, now digging up graves
  17. Shemp


    Looks like it's happening. Banks and the stock market will likely be shut down for 6 days. Pretty big deal this HTML class. Value is
  18. Shemp


    If that had been my wife and child I would be sitting in jail after dumping 13 rounds of Hornady's finest .45 into that hoodrat.
  19. Shemp

    Confederate Flags ordered taken down at Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield

    This was posted by a friend of mine that works at Kennesaw Mountain. If this needs to be moved to Politics forum please do so but I think this is enough of an outrage that it should be seen by all. Kennesaw Mountain Park is a museum and a battlefield memorial.
  20. Shemp

    Outdoor Ranges on the north side

    So I need a place I can go shoot my AK74s when the mood strikes....I don't have land to go out and shoot them since all the ammo I have is either steel core or bi-metal jacketed which is a no-no at indoor ranges. I have read about Creekside gun range but everything I read says to go there...