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Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. TattooedGunner

    Barrel Rate VS Grain Ammo

    Yes and no to both questions. That basically says that steel case does wear your barrel faster but you save enough money to buy a new barrel and still come out ahead. Also, you will want to clean the gun after shooting steel case...
  2. TattooedGunner

    More Suppressed 9mm SBR Slidefire fun

    Man, that's almost enough for me to buy a premium membership just to get a signature to put that in.
  3. TattooedGunner

    Barrel Rate VS Grain Ammo

    Whatever you are wanting to shoot just buy a box of it and see what it does for you. I think the barrel twist/bullet weight thing is made out to be a much bigger deal than what it really is. Especially if you are just going to use your AR for plinking at 25-50 yards. Now, if you are wanting...
  4. TattooedGunner

    Have you thought about a katana as part of your SHTF gear?

    I think machetes would be ideal. Cheap(compared to a real sword), useful for much more than killing people, easier to maintain. Plus they are handy to have around before SHTF. If you get a sword it's just going to sit in a closet or in your safe until something happens, and then not until...
  5. TattooedGunner

    Your carry gun set up

    How do you like the fiber optic front sight? I love Warren Tactical sights, I have them on my 19 and 26 but with the tritium front. Plain black rear on both of them, the 19 is the regular Warren Tactical, the 26 has the Sevigny rear.
  6. TattooedGunner

    Do you carry an extra magazine/speed clip for your EDC?

    I don 't usually carry an extra mag on me. There is usually one or two in the truck.
  7. TattooedGunner

    Drones, Anyone?

    I thought about getting one, then I remembered how much I suck at operating radio controlled things. I would probably take it out of the box and crash it straight into a tree.
  8. TattooedGunner

    Your mindset on home defense weapons?

    Glock 19 if I'm in bed. AR is close by. My bedroom is right by the front door so I will wake up if anybody comes in that way. I know this because my wife works third shift and it always wakes me up when she comes in. If they come in the back door they are going to knock over some clothes...
  9. TattooedGunner

    Do you carry with one in the tube?

    Always. If I ever need a gun for a defensive purpose there will be enough variables I cannot control, no need for me to add more stuff into the mix. I also do not carry guns with external safeties for the reasons NWS stated.
  10. TattooedGunner

    Where Do You Buy Your Gear?

    I believe he was referring to the "no serious gear dealers around" since he owns a local gear store.
  11. TattooedGunner

    Full mag or -1?

    Handguns fill to capacity. Never had a problem. AR I do -2. Just because a lot of people with a lot more real experience than me recommends it.
  12. TattooedGunner

    Gear you swear by.

    Glock Wilderness Tactical belts Surefire lights
  13. TattooedGunner

    Five reasons why I will never open carry...

    Pretty much agree with it. I conceal carry 99.793% of the time. The only exception is if I have been out to the hunting land I open carry there. So if I have to stop at the store on the way back...
  14. TattooedGunner

    Public toilets?

    In for suggestions. The wife has bugging me about going to Helen or somewhere along those lines for a while now.
  15. TattooedGunner

    Public toilets?

    Wow, nice! She needs to get into law enforcement and track down stolen guns!
  16. TattooedGunner

    Axe or Hatchet

    Ask yourself what size wood you would need to cut the majority of the time. If you need to fell trees or cut large logs get an axe. If you are just going camping and picking up dead wood and need to split it or make into more manageable pieces a hatchet is all you need. Let the work you need...
  17. TattooedGunner

    Public toilets?

    Thanks for the pictures. Would love to see it in person one day. On a side note, Shiner Bock is great!
  18. TattooedGunner

    Dieseling an Air Rifle

    Why did nobody tell me this when I was a kid?!?!?!?!?!
  19. TattooedGunner

    Redid the hushpuppy......yet again.

    I actually like it better with the folding stock. I imagine it is much more useful with the wood though. Looks good either way.