You never know what you will find

American Revival Apparel Company


Mar 7, 2010
Middle Georgia
You never know what you will find, or where you will find it these days when you go out ammo shopping. Everytime I go to Walmart for groceries I will stop at their ammo section and look at all the bare shelves. Occasionally I have found some interesting items there. Yesterday I found something that really got my attention. I found some plain brown paper boxes marked " 12 Gauge Military Grade 00 Buckshot" made by Olin Corporation. Amazingly the price was reasonable too! There were only three boxes of this stuff left, and I got my three box quota for the day, and left happy.


Good find Sassi! I'm going out today to make the rounds to see what's available.


Jun 16, 2012
I found out my local Wallyworld gets the ammo in on Friday night. I show up Saturday morning between 8-8:30am and get my 2 box limit.
Yeah my local Wallyworld has cut back to a 2 box limit.
The sporting goods guy says the ammo is always all gone by 11:00am


Personal philosophy? Clothing optional.
Jun 10, 2012
Fl's west coast
I'll check it out. I did a late night Wal Mart walk last week and they had 100 packs of skeet loads on an open shelf. Help yourself! 8) 8) 8)

OTOH, everything else is hit or miss. Even .22s. I got a pile of .45s one night and no .22s. I shoot a lot of .22s and I'd like to shoot the optimal round for each gun as RF can be ammo specific. Nope, I can't count on being able to buy specific rounds for a days outing.

Funny thing, I had my Ruger 10-22 take down and it wouldn't shoot solid CCI Mini Mags. :eek: It shoot crusty old Reminton Goldens just fine.


Jun 12, 2012
I had a long night last weekend and on a whim decided to head to Walmart at 7am Saturday morning. Got my 3 box limit of 9mm. Then I headed down the street to another Walmart and picked up 3 boxes of .380.

Talked to both clerks and they said its a mystery as to what will arrive each night. Best bet is to arrive before 8am and hope for the best.....of you're up that early...


Jun 9, 2012
I use to go by all the Walmarts since I am on the road all the time for my job. Always checking out all the other ammo spots as well. I have finally given up. Just not worth it anymore. I will go into a Walmart now and not even stop by the ammo section. When the sport becomes so obsessive for such nonsense it is no longer any fun. Personally I do not think this sport will ever be the same. There will be other shooting, etc. and this will just get worse. People are buying guns in record numbers and buying them with no ammo. I would suppose that eventually they will also want to shoot them. They will start hoarding as well. I hate to be so negative on this, but I think it is time to accept reality. Even at best, it will take a year, and ammo prices will go even higher and higher. I notice that even all the reloading equipment is sold out. I see a trend not in many on line stores as well as local stores now doing ads for storage materials for guns, gun racks, safes etc. I seriously thinking about selling some of my pistols and put the money into more Pellet guns. Funny thing about the ammo shortage, is the fact that I have actually been shooting more than ever in the past couple of months. (Airguns that is)


Jun 8, 2012
Effington, Ohio
Our local walmart still isn't happening. The ammo case has nothing interesting.

Yesterday, we went to the local Fin Feather and Fur which usually has shelves overflowing and extra skid loads of anything you might want.
They did have huge stores of .17... and .380, .40, & .45 at exaggerated prices. No .22, no 9mm, no .223 that I really could use about now. Employees seemed trained to not say when the next shipment of anything was due.

If there was a Kahr or Shield .40 or an XDs in the display cases, I might have purchased it just to match ammo availability.


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
I've got a half dozen Wal Marta in my area. The shelfs are pretty bare. Loads of 12 gauge ammo, 40 and 45 Caliber. With some 22 Short ammo. Speaking of which I was at a Gun Show yesterday. Loads of ammunition but no good 22 LR. Short were selling for double the price. Still looking for an M-1 or M-2.

I made two range trips last week, on Friday's I took the PSA Carbine out, slapped the 22LR conversion in and popped off 400 rounds on the range. The thing runs like a typewriter. Tuesday I ran 150 rounds through the Sig Sauer Mosquito.

Palmetto Arms is just down the road from my house, plus a Lawman's and Sportsman's Ware house. Business is booming and the places with ranges are busy.