Summer of the Rat

Faktory 47


Jun 9, 2012
He is smart, elusive, Equipped with high power instincts. He can hear my most silent whisper. He knows my habits, when I eat, when I sleep. He hides in the cover of darkness. He taunts me daily. Always with that smug smile he is so well known of. He always has a plan before the attack. Always has a new offensive tactic. He may come out of the cover of the Ivy and do a quick direct hit. Or he may circle around the old Elm tree which will obscure my vision. Always, more creative than the previous hit.
He is always there, watching. Occasionally, late at night, with flash light in hand, I will catch a slight glimmer of his beady eyes in the thick Ivy as he studies me. He will use the thick ivy that grows along his escape route by the fence. Watching, laughing, and mocking my feeble attempts to quickly grab my weapon before he is long gone. Once again the bird feeder raided.

To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a rat. And a rat will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - RAT Cong. So you have to fall back on superior firepower and superior intelligence. And that's all she wrote.
He is known as the Jackal. I will be waiting for you Jack. If it takes me all summer I will smash your little head, right between your beady eyes with a sizzling pellet. I have been doing a lot of practice. And I have a new weapon. The modified Crosman eqipped with a Bug Buster scope so I can see deep down in camouflaged Ivy cover. And look close Jack. See the barrel? It is silent. I can shoot in the middle of the night and none of the neighbors will ever here a sound. You won’t either. Good bye Jack, you are a dead Rat walking.

This is my tree target. It is a phone book with Duct seal and wrapped with Masking tape. I then went to dollar store and place a cheap solar light above it. And then placed reflective tape our the target area. I can now shoot at a target at night. No one can hear a thing from the rifle with the TKO shroud.



Jun 9, 2012
One of the greatest flicks ever! By the way, thanks for posting. I need to get a light like he has for my rifle.


Jun 15, 2012
I was in stitches reading your post! The entire post immediately had me thinking of you reenacting that scene from the movie. Too funny man! ;D


Jun 9, 2012
By the way, that little carbine is going to give me some fun shooting this summer. It is a 22cal pellet, co2. That shroud makes it so you do not hear any noise at all, except for the hammer spring and the impact of the pellet on the target. I brought home some spent shotgun shell casing and lined them up. When shot, all is silent until the pellet hits the shell and they make a loud clack and go flying into the air. Fun trigger time.


"Come out Mr. Gopher; I'm not going to hurt you ... come to Daddy."



HeHeHe, funny stuff there! Got me busting a gut Dave!!!;D

Sent from my Droid Razr using my trigger finger.