Ohio Open Carry Fans?

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA


Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
I think I've open carried once in my entire life. Grabbed lunch at my hometown hole in the wall diner during a handgun level 1 class. They didn't even bat an eye.

That said, as a general statement I love the fact that Open Carry is legal in Ohio and feel that it always should be. However, the only reason I can see for doing so is if you're trying to make a political statement at a rally or something. Open carry is like painting a giant bullseye on your back. Guess who the first person killed in an armed robbery....the guy wearing a gun right where everyone can see it. You have a much better chance if you aren't immediately identified as someone carrying a weapon.


NRA Life Member (Everybody should be!)
Feb 3, 2016
I kinda have two thoughts on OC, I'm happy it's legal in OH primarily because just in case my shirt comes up accidentally it should cover my ass while CC ing, that and it gives one the ability to be able to be armed in the event they do not have their CHL, all that said personally I have not OC'd myself and don't plan too as I just don't like having the attention drawn my way but more power to those that do, just really gotta make sure if you don't have your CHL to unload and separate your ammunition before you get in your vehicle; the way Ohio sees it is; once you get in your vehicle while OC'ing the firearm is considered concealed on your person.

Welcome to the forum Willy, look forward to talking with ya!


Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
[QUOTE="caleb4387]My favorite method. I prefer the benefit of open carry. Don't buy into all the myths.

Can you elaborate on "benefits"? Thanks.


Mar 19, 2016
[QUOTE="Chris Timmerman]Can you elaborate on "benefits"? Thanks.

I'm sure you've heard them all would just have an argument in place against them


Rangers Lead The Way!
Feb 17, 2016
It is possible to disagree on a particular topic, yet share our individual views and reason for our views in a civilized and respectful manner. I was simply asking what you individually characterize as "benefits" as you obviously have strong feelings on the matter and the "benefits" can differ from person to person. As it appears you have very little interest in that calm and civilized discussion I'll consider our difference of opinion put to rest.


Mar 19, 2016
[QUOTE="Chris Timmerman]It is possible to disagree on a particular topic, yet share our individual views and reason for our views in a civilized and respectful manner. I was simply asking what you individually characterize as "benefits" as you obviously have strong feelings on the matter and the "benefits" can differ from person to person. As it appears you have very little interest in that calm and civilized discussion I'll consider our difference of opinion put to rest.



May 18, 2016

I don't have to dress around my gun.

I don't have to worry about cover garments.

I don't have sweat buildup or sore spots from an IWB holster.

I don't have to figure out how to access my gun if I'm in a car (yes, I have my CHL).

I can actually get conversations started about firearms (good, bad or otherwise).

OC could be a deterrent. Police stopped a group of suspicious-looking bad guys in a Waffle House parking lot in Kennesaw, GA several years ago. The officers found guns in the car and were told that the bad guys were planning to rob the Waffle House, but were waiting for a group of open carriers to leave.

Bad guys are primarily opportunists. They aren't looking to shoot their victims. The OC'er that had his gun stolen at a McDonald's? The bad guy did not shoot him to obtain his gun. The OC'er that had his brand new gun stolen at gunpoint in Gresham, OR? The bad guy did not shoot him to obtain his gun. The OC'er that had his gun stolen in Newport News, VA? The bad guys did not shoot him to obtain his gun.

Why then, do people perpetuate the scenario of the OC'er being the first one to be shot during a robbery?

I have to believe these folks aren't aware of just how UNaware the average person is when it comes to openly carried holstered handguns. There are SO many phone cases hanging from belts today that a holstered handgun doesn't attract that much attention. When it does, it only causes alarm if the person that sees it is an anti-gunner (in my experience).

To think that a robber is going to walk through and look at the belt line of every customer before deciding to rob a store...? Really?

Police and security guards may wind up being shot first, but that's because they are police and security guards. It has nothing to do with the fact that they open carry.

I've made my choice. I've made my choice after some critical, informed thought. If you s=choose to call my choice "stupid" or some other derogatory term, so be it. I celebrate the 1st Amendment almost as much as the 2nd.


I've never personally open carried, just never had a reason to. Though I do support those who make that decision 100% its your right, use it before you lose it.


May 18, 2016
[QUOTE="David]...use it before you lose it.

An interesting comment.

Our state Supreme Court has decided that, as long as a citizen has 'some' way to freely exercise their right to bear arms under the Ohio Constitution, the General Assembly can regulate any 'other' way. In 'Klein v. Leis', the court stated that open carry IS our method or exercising that right.

Open carry has been legal in Ohio since 1803. I can't speak for what happens at the federal level, but I'm confident that we won't be losing open carry in Ohio anytime soon.


Mar 14, 2016
An interesting comment.

Unfortunately it ignores just how easy the amendment process to the ohio constitution is, including amending it via popular referendum.

Don't think the rights we enjoy will always exist just because they always have. Stay active politically and support the NRA and others actively working to preserve our rights.