New .380 CC pistol made to look like a cell phone

Howard Law


Director of Lavatory Services
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 24, 2015

"A gun could soon be on the market that doesn't look like a gun at all; it's a firearm that's hard to spot.
The gun is not on the market yet, but the new firearm, created by a Minnesotan, could be available later this year.

"It's about as big as most phones would be with any kind of a protective case," Kirk Kjellberg, showing 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS a plastic model of the gun, said. But it won't play music or make phone calls.

"Since our culture is really very split on gun, anti-gun- liberal, conservative - there are some people that would take serous issue in the workplace or somewhere else to see a gun on you, and I think it gives people the opportunity to avoid that conversation," Kjellberg said.

After Kjellberg, a licensed gun carrier, accidentally flashed his gun in a restaurant, he decided it was time to create his Monticello-based company Ideal Conceal. The real thing will be a .380 caliber double barrel derringer made of polymer and steel and will weigh about the same as a smart phone with a protective covering.

"Manufacturers are always going to look to produce and try and make something marketable," Captain Adam Lindquist with the Maple Grove Police Department said. It's why Lindquist said their officers stay vigilant training to watch body language and getting a read of what's going on in every situation.

"That's the challenge with the identification piece of the threat, that extra time it takes for an officer to identify, 'Is this a threat?'" Lindquist said. Kjellberg told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS he expects a prototype to be made by June and expects production to begin in October. The gun would cost $395. Depending on demand, Kjellberg said he wants to have a semi-automatic version ready to purchase in 2018.

According to the BCA's annual report, more than 44,000 carry permits were issued in Minnesota last year. That number is up by about 3,000 compared to 2014."

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