Memorial Day

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC

I was talking to a couple of Veterans who work in a Gun Shop in Chapin Friday. A young fellow and lady who had both done two tours in our current wars, each. It wasn't about war stories or any of that. It was about adjusting to society and surviving the "afterwards" part of just plain old living.

A lot of these men and women were children when the first war started in Iraq and have chosen to live with it in their lives. They stepped forward and served their country and paid some dues. We owe them loads of respect and appreciation for that.

So my thoughts for this morning are about the unsung young folks in our society of today who are perhaps celebrating the memories of those they served with them.

So here’s to those that served and gave it their all.


Thoughts and thanks to all our fallen brothers in arms.

Sent from my Droid Razr using my trigger finger.