For those of us who remember: Kennedy '60

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA


Jun 8, 2012
Effington, Ohio
I found this item on my school bus when I was in first grade. Quite a find. Quite the story that never really left my mind.
It has spent all of it's time since in my jewelery box and has been out maybe five times until now.

It evokes images of what we believed this nation to be over 50 years ago. It's been quite a ride.


Jun 8, 2012
Effington, Ohio
The Kennedy saga touched me even years after. 20 years after remembering sitting at my desk in elementary school listening to the PA announcement that JFK was shot, I married into a family with very close ties to the Kennedys. Although my association did not last, you knew there was magic in that family. Camelot did exist. The magic was overshadowed with a cloud of tragedy.

I'm thinking my ex-wife as well as all her family will be in church this upcoming day. The liquor cabinet will either be closed and locked or emptied of its contents that day. After 50 years, they will hurt for a day, then brush themselves off and get on with life.

It's not my tradition to follow, but history changed, pretty much for everyone that day.