Finally had to tell the NRA to take me off their call list.

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Jun 9, 2012
I have been swamped with calls from the NRA. Always starts off with the same crap about Obama. I tell them that, first of all, I am a member and have always been one. I then tell them that Obama need not worry, as their is no ammo to even shoot anymore. Then try to get them to understand that their psychotic calls preaching paranoia is just making matters worse. Certainly there must be a better way for the NRA to promote good things about the organization instead of the constant over the top threats. I get it already! They have become nothing more than your typical annoyance call center dialing for dollars and more dollars. What next? A robo call of Charleston Heston calling from the dead with warnings?


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
LOL. Let us hope they took your names off the calling list. I don't get their calls, but do get their letters and emails. I read then, make a donation of two and get on with it.

As far as their fund raising goes it's something that they need to do. It takes big bucks to battle the big bucks that Bloomberg alone is putting into this thing. So we kind of have to ignore it as a necessity.

Doubting that Obama, Biden, Feinstein, Bloomberg, or any of that crowd would really want to do away with the 2nd Amendment as being antiquated is whistling in the wind. For years now,they usually start out by claiming that they support it, then launch into their common sense solutions which would do absolutely noting but disarm us all. Some gun owners latch onto the first part, ignore the rest and then try to dismiss it as "Politics". That's the real crap of it.

Like it or not, overall on a national level the NRA is still the best game in town. I don't always agree with everything they say or do but still support them. Keep doubting the gun grabbers exist and one day it'll be BB Guns they come after. They know no limits.


Mar 22, 2010
Verticoli said:
davevabch said:
"I'll give you my BB gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands"

Dave@vabch :mad:

LOL, you can't have my BB gun till I shoot out my cold dead eye with it

Don't forget the background check first! :eek: