CCW Permit was denied in Hocking County

GA Firing Line


May 11, 2016
Hello everyone.

I took an NRA certified CCW course for Ohio residents by a certified instructor back in July 2016. I was busy and just got around to applying for my CCW last month at the local sheriffs office. I went in, submitted the paperwork, got finger printed. The whole works, picture taken and everything. Today I received in the mail that my permit was denied due to past convictions of domestic assault.

The only issue is I've never once been in trouble with the law (other than a lot, and I mean a lot of speeding tickets), and I've even purchased firearms as recently as 2 weeks ago and went through the background check system that you go through when purchasing from a dealer. Never had a single issue with anyone in the sheriffs dept, so I don't think its like some conspiracy or personal vendetta, but I'm unsure of how or where to appeal this decision and ask for proof since i'm 99.9% sure its a mistake on their part.

Does anyone know what or how to proceed from here?

Thanks for reading my longish post, I just would really like to get my CCW before Christmas!


Feb 1, 2016
Try using this website and entering your name in there to see what all kinds of court records show up for you.

I find it really strange that you're not aware of a conviction unless you have a common name in your county. Something like Tim Smith for example. Ask yourself if you've ever even been to court for something like the charges they are accusing you of.

David (OHGO)

Sep 29, 2016
I suggest contacting the sheriffs office to see what the problem is. MY guess is they couldn't read something on your application, took a guess at it and came up the wrong information.
Oct 15, 2016
I would challenge their decision, it is simple and can be done at the sheriff's department. If you know for a fact that you have never been convicted of that charge then it will not be possible for them to prove that you have and you will then be issued your chl.


Mar 14, 2016
As Kyle says, once the Sheriff denies your license in writing, you need to appeal. You can appeal to the Sheriff, so just stop in or make an appointment and ask their process for appeals of denials. The law also allows for appeals to go through BCI. If you think some conspiracy against you, that might be a more suitable place to appeal so you aren't going through the Sheriff that denied your permit. The BCI website is: Look there for the nearest location to you.

As a last resort, if for some reason there is something mistakenly on your record that shouldn't be, or they still continue to deny your license, you will need to seek counsel and file for a Writ of Mandamus in the Common Pleas Court of the County you live in. This is basically legal process requesting a court to order a public official to perform an act they are required to perform. And since Ohio is a "shall issue" state, the court can order the Sheriff to issue your license if you qualify.

Good luck, and don't delay. Your window to appeal may close.
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May 11, 2016
Thanks for the suggestions. I actually went down to the sheriffs office today and talked with them. Turned out I accidently wrote the wrong information on my application and when BCI or whoever did the background check of course everything that came back didn't match up right. Filled out a new application and made sure everything was right, the only crappy part is I have to wait all over again, and had to pay the $67.00 fee again. So make sure you're double checking that info you put down!


Mar 14, 2016
I'm glad it has worked out for you (I guess we'll know for sure when you get your license). The $67 fee is the background check fee so they need to charge it every time they run the check. But after all, $67 is a small price to pay to correct your mistake on your application and get licensed.