California court rules concealed carry not a constitutional right

GA Firing Line


Looks like the gunpoclypse is continuing to march forward in one of the most anti-gun states in the Union. A federal appeals court has ruled that American citizens do not have the right to concealed carry. They have dismissed the argument that a right to carry a concealed weapon was contained in the Second Amendment.

"We hold that the Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public,"
Its no surprise that this ruling has come out of California where liberal leaning decisions are common place. This sets up a show down at the supreme court, which is why it really is more important than over to get out and vote pro-gun candidates this election cycle to help support our gun rights.

If another leftist gets on the Supreme Court (with a real possibility of getting 2-3 more in the next 4-8 years) it'll be over with for gun rights in America. Everything that makes its way to the Supreme Court will be shot down and overturned.

I suggest everyone do their research, find out their candidates positions and vote accordingly.