
Howard Law
  1. SouthernSlammed

    KGmade EOS-22 Purchased

    Well, I bit the bullet! Worked hard on the side hustle, made some extra scratch and got my Ruger 10/22 Target Lite a new integral suppressor! NOW THE WAIT BEGINS! I will update this thread as it comes along! May even get up to the shop for a little conjugal visit! 07/05/18 Suppressor purchased...
  2. KGmade

    KGmade EOS-22 Closer Look Video

    Many of you have wanted a closer look. Heres a quick video explaining it and showing how it comes apart. Feel free to ask any other questions
  3. KGmade

    KGmade EOS-22 Integral Pre-Order

    We are excited to finally announce that production of our EOS-22 integral suppressor for the Ruger 10/22 has launched. We got our FFL07/02 early this year, and began working on designs. We have tried numerous designs, barrel materials, twist rates, and rifling types and have finally settled on...