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GA Firing Line
  1. sniper22

    silver ring out of a quarter

    Back in the 50's and 60's, folks had a lot of time for stuff like this since there's wasn't a lot of TV shows..
  2. sniper22

    silver ring out of a quarter

    My 84yr old uncle has made dozens of rings from silver quarters. He would use a table spoon and roll the quarter on his leg. When he had it the width he wanted he would use his pocket knife to bore out the center. He made my mom's ring for my dad to give her when they got married. That's...
  3. sniper22

    Gun Owners Have You Taken Training?

    Nothing official. No plans on it either. I've been training since I was 5 1/2 with a shotty and .22 and first handgun at 9.
  4. sniper22

    Full mag or -1?

    I like full mag plus 1! Can't never have enough ammo.
  5. sniper22

    Full mag or -1?

    Full mag! Man up and smack it home..
  6. sniper22

    Public toilets?

    There are 4 stray/abandoned young kittens in a partially developed subdivision in morrow. I can send you the address if you wanna go pick me up. I know this because I worked there 2 weeks ago.
  7. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    I ain't hiding anything, just ready for a change. This one might stay but not sure just yet. I've been s22 for 10 or more years and might just keep it.
  8. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    Lol.. I heard that one too. I didn't believe that's the case though.
  9. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    Hmmm. I've seen this before...
  10. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    I plan/planned on changing it there too. This one is temporay
  11. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    Yep!! Thinking it's time for a change.
  12. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    Spill it. Hell I don't care anymore. Some know and some don't. Few like me and several don't.
  13. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    Kinda why i said they could come talk to me. I ain't got time to play kid games.
  14. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    Send me a pm if you really think you know.
  15. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    Maybe so. Fuck em and feed em fried fish heads stuffed with panther turds fried in libratard grease! I am over the bullshit and drama. I have no problem meeting any of em in person to discuss whatever we need to work out.
  16. sniper22

    Out with the old and in with the new

    He's the same POS that gave me a warning for asking a question about someone else's post that referred to the basement The told me it was against the rules but couldn't reference the rule. He saud questions like that needed to be ask in the private help forum but no one ever helps there! Vhinch...
  17. sniper22


    You deliver?
  18. sniper22

    Voice Your Opinion

    Personally, I don't do either. I got to much going on and don't have time to beg someone to let me help them. I know several gays and a few of them I don't mind since they don't try to shove their beliefs in my face, atheists on the other hand straight get on my nerves. I'll pray for em but...
  19. sniper22

    Voice Your Opinion

    I'd rather spend my time spreading the word of Christ than waste my time trying to convince someone that guns aren't evil! In a few years when the world is really in a mess and we all have to fight to live, that particular dumb ass can come to you for help and let me take care of what I need to.
  20. sniper22

    Voice Your Opinion

    I don't get offend, but I ain't babysitting a bunch of leftwing anti 2As either. I'll let you handle that part.