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GA Firing Line
  1. rOmiLaYu

    "I'll take it"

    Almost as bad as global ignore.
  2. rOmiLaYu

    "I'll take it"

  3. rOmiLaYu

    "I'll take it"

    Just make sure you never become a discouraged member.
  4. rOmiLaYu

    "I'll take it"

  5. rOmiLaYu

    Vet vs Flag Disgracers at Valdosta State

    She was on 106.7 this morning talking about of her main concerns in the event was that the flag was on the ground. I'd say something about the pot and the kettle but then lax would correct me and tell me how I'm using the phrase incorrectly.
  6. rOmiLaYu

    Vet vs Flag Disgracers at Valdosta State

    And both are offensive uses of the flag.
  7. rOmiLaYu

    Vet vs Flag Disgracers at Valdosta State

    Given that she's posed for Playboy, I'd say it's entirely the former over the latter.
  8. rOmiLaYu

    Vet vs Flag Disgracers at Valdosta State

    Kids can't walk on it in protest but she can use it as a prop in a nudie shoot?
  9. rOmiLaYu

    It finally happened

    It's been legal since I was in high school.
  10. rOmiLaYu

    It finally happened

    Legally. Yes, you can.
  11. rOmiLaYu

    It finally happened

    You certainly can.
  12. rOmiLaYu

    If you hunt out of season

    I was being facetious.
  13. rOmiLaYu

    Pistol Grip Shotguns = Destructive Device?

    Given what I know about the parties in play, I'd say both.
  14. rOmiLaYu

    Pistol Grip Shotguns = Destructive Device?