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Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
  1. NWS

    Who the hell is paying the bills around here?

    This place still floating?
  2. NWS

    SOLD FREE Dining room table and 4 chairs

    Typical family use eh?
  3. NWS

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Eh just trading right now. I have a couple of people offering me 6920s for it already. Never thought I would see the day where I could trade a WASR for a 6920. only problem is I already have 4 of them. First world problems.
  4. NWS

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Bought a WASR 10/63 today. Not sure why, but the price seems fair so I got it. It didn’t come with a mag, but a had a Croatian bolt hold mag on the shelf but fuck it is TIGHT!!! That’s generally an issue with the Croatian mags isn’t it? Don’t have another mag to test with.
  5. NWS

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    No sir. I passed on it.
  6. NWS

    trolling the ODT

    I think you meant to say Newt Gingrich balanced the budget.
  7. NWS

    trolling the ODT

    I know that’s right. I was screaming “Ohio, Ohio, Ohio” and the mother fucker acted like he couldn’t hear me.
  8. NWS

    trolling the ODT

    still not convinced...
  9. NWS

    trolling the ODT

    Less dick bro
  10. NWS

    trolling the ODT

    Most on ODT think that you and @DWalk are the same person. I even thought it for a little while. Still not convinced you aren't. :boink:
  11. NWS

    trolling the ODT

    Me first!
  12. NWS

    Public toilets?

    What’s the story on the James River Gallant? Just traded for one with a bipod, wood hand guard and 20 mags.
  13. NWS

    Public toilets?

    One to lift my belly so your other can get down to business
  14. NWS

    Public toilets?

    Gonna need them both
  15. NWS

    Public toilets?

  16. NWS

    Public toilets?

    My dick is going to be sooooo raw.
  17. NWS

    Public toilets?

    I will trade anything for anything at trade value. Your handies have a street value of what, about 15 cents? Figure 6000 handies and you can have it all.
  18. NWS

    Public toilets?

    Fucker sold fast too
  19. NWS

    Public toilets?

    I have some of that I’m going to sell too.