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Faktory 47
  1. Patryn

    Med Kits & First Aid Packs

    You buying supplies at a Hospital or taking them?
  2. Patryn

    Med Kits & First Aid Packs

    We even do a SET discount. Who has more medical supplies then TruPrep?
  3. Patryn

    Med Kits & First Aid Packs

    I cannot believe this thread even exists.
  4. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    LOL. Jeeze man. Ill let you have the last post. This is my official walking out of this thread.
  5. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    Go through the academy, or any other branch of military/service personnel. Do their job for a few years and then come back to this debate. You have no experience and no idea what your talking about.
  6. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    Stopping the threat is helping. Your response is appropriate and has thought behind it. I see nothing wrong with it.
  7. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    Until you grow up. I am checked out of this conversation.
  8. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    I answered you. They would all be bad guys.
  9. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    Question have you ever had to answer a bank robbery call in progress? Cause I have had several. All false alarms.
  10. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    Why does the type of firearm change the type of crime? If I walked into a bank and everyone had guns - then until more information is available everyone is getting treated the same - badguys.
  11. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    Which question was that?
  12. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    Again, you are not offering any facts or training or any helpful advice. You are being dumb and assuming you already know the outcome is showing your immaturity.
  13. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    I am not putting myself or you above anyone else in this debate. All lives are equal to me. I would hope in the circumstance that someone would come back to help my wife or children.....not just there own and run.
  14. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    Thank you for summing up what you are capable of and not capable of. That is important.
  15. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    As a teacher. You should understand there are options. Choosing a right or wrong is where most instructors fail.
  16. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    As former LE, I disagree. I have answered several calls with people pointing guns at each other and neither one got shot. We took them all into custody and worked it out from there. And the good guys left with no issues and the bad guys went to jail. I agree with this absolutely. *(I just want...
  17. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    To the original poster and your article. As it brings up valid points. I think it should have been named "Things to consider with a truck gun" - And not seem so biased against it. (since there are way to many possibilities and people out there)
  18. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    1. Ok so to get out of harms way you apparently seem to think you can do it with one mag. (excellent shooter) 2. What facts about cops/criminals & long guns/pistols are you basing this theory off of - or it another assumption? 3. I have asked repeatedly why you would not go back to the threat if...
  19. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    1. You carry a Gun with no back up mags. - you said that not me. 2. You think long guns are more suspicious then any other firearm at the scene of a crime. 3. I have asked legit questions you have still yet to provide a logical answer to. Your assumptions are based off no experience and no...
  20. Patryn

    A Truck Gun, Fantasy or Reality - GRYlife Article

    So you carry no back up mags? You think a long gun is different to LEO then a pistol and you think your house is safe. I can see what I am arguing against. Good luck.