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Howard Law
  1. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    kroger sushi for the win
  2. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    ight back and no murders, was an accident but man of course it would be the old slow one and not one of the ones that always darts in front of every car they can. i been around her for a decade and she was a damn good one :(
  3. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    FUCKKKKKKK man. one of my dads neighbors just fucking pulled quick into his drive way and just hit his old dog. now i gotta run my ass over there and try and prevent a fucking murder from occuring
  4. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    you shut your mouth. i only drink the finest in cheap IPA's. and boy could i fucking use one this morning. its this kinda day
  5. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    missing so much fun ak bullshit, wait who teh fuck is the Knight person, is it Dickatl in covert operations? he sounds gayer than @gaige. . . wait why cant i tag gaige . . .did @Knight kidnap him??? i say we posse up and kick the shit outta @Knight until he releases @gaige. Sounds like he...
  6. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    well my company got bought out by an investment firm about 5 months ago. they then started lay offs and early retirement. they now just installed time clocks in every department to track everyones time to the minute. . . . . it is time to GTFO
  7. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    . . ."and that was the day that everything changed"
  8. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    Last thing you ate was an Engineer?
  9. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    lol gots a ban from dickatl. i wasnt even being that mean
  10. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    we see no desire for a civilian semi-auto model - some fucking dumbass HK employee
  11. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    haha thank. this perticular stuff makes it easier i guess as its not eactly paint but "limewash" so it goes on brick fairly easy
  12. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    Another good before and after. My wife d8dnt take any of the good ones of me hanging off the ladder with the brush in one hand and beer in the other. Btw brushing this entire thing sucks. But cant use rollers or sprayers with this stuff. also i know my windows suck, but all of them and the...
  13. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    Knock out a bunch today will hopefully be done later this week
  14. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    anyone need a micro red dot?
  15. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    they also may not know where the support for it comes from lol. all of that has ntohign to do with teh actual guy and just from the graphic novel/movie
  16. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    all just comes from V for Vendetta. if not familiar, dystopian graphic novel that is super antigoverment
  17. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    that is fucking amazing
  18. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    well paint is started. im hopoing to be done this week. got new windows coming in on the 13th. then i can come back and waste all of my time . . . .and maybe have money for more guns again.
  19. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    I think im just gonna have to accept being out of the loop for now. Too many house projects, crazy work load, and other positive family stuff not leaving much room for online Tom foolery. Side now got all the test patches done and washed off. Think we are goimg with the white
  20. cbh13

    Public toilets?

    if i didnt already have an m72 id be all over this. good fucking deal