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Southeast Traders Apparel Swag Store
  1. madHatter

    Econ the Fed raised the interest rate...

    Whelp bought a house anyway. Locked that shit down as low as I could. Just signed over the next 30 of my life.
  2. madHatter

    2016 Gun Plan

    Finish my last lower. Get a new side arm (pistol). Invest in more safes and ammo. And vote for Hillary I mean a qualified comander-n-chief.
  3. madHatter

    Happy switch, I want one!

    yeah, but it's still a glock.....
  4. madHatter

    VP9 Torture Test: Fail

  5. madHatter

    VP9 Torture Test: Fail

  6. madHatter

    VP9 Torture Test: Fail

    And an RPGn your pants
  7. madHatter

    VP9 Torture Test: Fail

    Like ditching 45 and joinig the rest of the normal people? In the punk rawk world we call that selling out.
  8. madHatter

    Inexpensive Red Dot

    This ^^
  9. madHatter

    Top 6 Special Forces Rifles not ARs

    if it doesnt go brzzzzzzzzt i am not interested ;)
  10. madHatter

    Gear you swear by.

    Toss in Eddie Bauer to the mix. Same with Kershaw knives. Esee (duh) Osprey packs REI stuff.
  11. madHatter

    MechTech 10mm Glock carbine

    I wasn't gonna say it, it yeah. I would get a 20 just to have that carbine. Pew pew pew... Motherfucker
  12. madHatter

    MechTech 10mm Glock carbine

    Let's count the reasons: Glock 10motherfuckingmil Carbine Glock Glock Oh I think it looks like more sex is sprewing out the gun than words to describe it
  13. madHatter

    Used Hungarian AK at Cabela's??

    the SA 85 is the most sought after AK Variant that FEG made. this is one of the lower to mid models. the whole no bayo and threaded barrel is kind of a deal breaker IMO. oh and the 600$ price tag is too.
  14. madHatter

    What AR back up sights do you use?

    troy fixed rear site on one and a chopped a2 that is going to go on a future build something about folders didnt work for me.
  15. madHatter

    Magpul phasing out Foliage Green

    hrmm.... do i really need more furniture....
  16. madHatter

    Flashlight 101

    Bummer.. :(
  17. madHatter

    Flashlight 101

    I was at that event. Good stuff
  18. madHatter

    PSA makes AK's Now!?

    No need to sensor yourself around the adults here. What you mean to say is "holy shit! I want a metric fuckton!"
  19. madHatter

    Forget shemags

    Merino wool ones are fantastic. Rei has them sometimes. Buffwear should too. Google will be your companion here.
  20. madHatter

    Flashlight 101

    If you are in the Atlanta area ... Going Gear is having a seminar on flashlights. Sept 29 at 5:30 (1730) 1302 Concord Rd SE, Smyrna, Georgia 30080