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Howard Law
  1. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    This will always be my favorite video on the internet. "I was like BITCH. GET ME A CHICKEN SANDWICH, AND SOME WAFFLE FRIES....FOR FREE!"
  2. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

  3. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    When I’m doubt, clout it out...amirite...I’ll see myself out...
  4. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

  5. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    I think I have 20, 30, and 40 rounders...and honestly never a problem from any of them.
  6. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    Seem to be good to go. Never have had an issue with them.
  7. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    Besides the two SET pmags I have...I’m pretty sure all my AK mags as are Korean. So I feel like I may be negative clout.
  8. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    He is. Let me see what his price is though, I don't want to tell you wrong.
  9. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    I actually know a dude that is selling one
  10. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    A buddy of mine and I used to fish at his pond. Every Saturday in the summers, he would hand us a trail map, and it would change quite frequently. "Pee on the trail, do NOT go off trail." He was a Vietnam vet, grew a little bit of weed for himself, hated the government. But was never an...
  11. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    A neighbor in my hometown spent his last years in prison because, he booby trapped his farm. When the cops raided him, he gave them a map and told them to follow it exactly. One didn't listen.
  12. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    It's actually not bad. I got it from a buddy to help him out. At first I was like "Gimmick, lame, mall ninja." But it's pretty neat really.
  13. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

  14. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    Anybody have any use for these? Missing parts obviously and scope is just...well trash probably.
  15. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    Happy to help! Maybe don't let the pup eat these...
  16. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    I could be wrong, but it looks like an Oak Gall.
  17. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    First two waves of storms and Naders ran through here about an hour ago. Grabbed the baby and the wife, chillin in the basement. Got to sit and watch as it flooded. I think one touched down in Chattanooga, but we didn’t see any in Cleveland.
  18. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    It’s a Trilux scope mount for the L1A1. Had to look that up...
  19. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    Found some FAL thangs the other day.
  20. roadsignmcclanahan

    Public toilets?

    Closest I got. Not exactly a pistol, but full on Bubba. Still kicking around the idea of an Obrez though...I’ve spent $200 on worse ideas.