Level 1 Residential Room Clearing & Defense, July 1

Faktory 47


Jul 12, 2016
Dallas, GA
Zip code
The course will be held on Cobb County near Kennesaw Mountain on Saturday, July 1, from 8am until 5pm with a 1 hour break for lunch. When you are signed up, I will give you the address.

The cost for this course is $200 per student, paid in advance to hold your slot. I will be limiting this course to 10 students. If there is enough overflow, I will try to hold a second class in late July/early August.

This class will satisfy the prerequisite for the Level 2 Force-on-force Residential Room Clearing & Defense I am holding at the same location, twice on 2 separate dates; August 12-13 and 26-27.

The purpose of this course is to teach you to properly clear your own residence, in the case of a burglary/home invasion. I'm not advocating house clearing on your own, but if you are in one part of the home while your significant other is in another part, it would be a good idea to be able to safely move and link up. In addition, many of the elements of room clearing are the same as techniques used in Active Shooter Response.

Topics covered for this portion of the course include, but are not limited to:
-Combat Mindset
-moving down hallways and through intersections
-entering doorways
-clearing rooms
-transitioning from one room to the next
-working individually and as a team of 2
-working in daylight and limited visibility/darkness
-the pros and cons of different weapon systems
-choosing and enhancing a defensive position

Gear list:
Handgun with holster and covering garment
For the handguns, I prefer something similar to a Blade Tech training barrel to render it safe. Contact me prior to the class if you have any issues or concerns with this. I have "blue guns" that I will loan to folks that don't have a means to render their handgun safe, or don't care to.
If you have a long gun (carbine, shotgun, SMG, etc) that you use for home defense, bring it as well. We will discuss the pros and cons of each system, so run what ya brung.
For long guns, I prefer a flag safety device or similar so that we can render them safe. If you don't have one, I have several I will loan out. If you are running some sort of AR, a Blade Tech training bolt (about $15) will be required.
At least 1 handheld flashlight. If you have weapon-mounted lights, excellent, bring those as well, but you will still need a handheld flashlight.