Best Weight Loss & Fitness / Nutrition Video Ever!

Howard Law


Lord of Chaos
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 26, 2014
North Georgia
Losing Weight with Derek Weida

About Derek Weida
On June 23, 2007 during his third deployment to Iraq, Derek Weida, an Airborne Infantry Sergeant in the U.S. Army, led a group of soldiers on a nighttime raid to a darkened house. As the rifle team leader, he would have to be the first through the door. Before entering, the team heard the men inside waking up and charging their weapons. They knew they were headed into a gun fight. No sooner had Derek charged through the door, when an insurgent sprayed AK-47 fire at him. Derek went down immediately, his knee blown out from gunfire. His team rushed over his body to capture the men inside and complete the mission. Later, Derek was flown to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C. where the doctors attempted to piece his knee back together. Several months and many failed surgeries later, he was medically retired from the Army. "It was a crushing blow because I wanted to live out my days in service of my country and alongside the brothers I loved," said the 28-year-old veteran who now lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.