American Revival Apparel Company

Stealth Mode


Beloved flaming retard
Lifetime Supporter
Oh...well if that's all this is about, I have over-thought. If you're just looking for a discreet range bag, then yeah, just about anything will do. I thought the conversation was more about a constant carry setup.
Oh, yeah I'm not looking to carry it all of the time. I guess in the incredibly unlikely event that there were a true shtf / isis type attack in the neighborhood I would, but otherwise it's purpose is to further "grey man" me. I just don't want to stand out.


Weekend Warrior
Right...but there it is again...hipsters walking around with banjo cases. There's a context for that. A mid 30's bald guy with Levi's and a tshirt in line at the grocery with a violin case? context for that. It's out of place.

I'm not advocating LBE or anything like that...I'm just saying that if you really want to go "stealth mode," don't be cute. Go to REI or Academy or somewhere and buy something that always has a context and figure out how to get a gun in it.

couldnt agree more with every word here


Weekend Warrior
I think you give people way too much credit.
In all fairness I did read the whole thread and understand that you were implying something different than he was suggesting. I understand that, BUT his stance against ojo's point was perfect imo. Its just an opinion, but a regular guy in a regular tshirt with an instrument case anywhere but the range or a play of some kind would definitely grab my attention. The hipsters in your neighborhood may not...


Beloved flaming retard
Lifetime Supporter
In all fairness I did read the whole thread and understand that you were implying something different than he was suggesting. I understand that, BUT his stance against ojo's point was perfect imo. Its just an opinion, but a regular guy in a regular tshirt with an instrument case anywhere but the range or a play of some kind would definitely grab my attention. The hipsters in your neighborhood may not...
Around here you'd look out of place if you weren't carrying a banjo case lol.


Weekend Warrior
Around here you'd look out of place if you weren't carrying a banjo case lol.
Oh god, sounds like where I work. Bunch of weirdos walking around in tights all the time. Some wearing pink tutus and waving batons around..... I dont get it.


Beloved flaming retard
Lifetime Supporter
I probably do....and have been accused of as much before. I guess I just figure that if I notice, its logical that others will.
I kind of think that people that are more inclined to take their safety seriously enough to carry a firearm are typically more in tune with their surroundings than the average bear.


Cerakote applicator, PM for quotes.
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
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Not the best option but these bags were marked down to $5 at Wal-Mart So I had to pick them up.
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