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GA Firing Line
  1. ~ZENAS~

    Getting Your Employer To Allow/promote Concealed Carry.....

    You are absolutely correct on 2923.126©(2). As for pending legislation, I know Senator Joe Uecker was trying to get a bill introduced on this issue, but I'm not sure the current status. I'll try to keep you updated if I can find out. Link...
  2. ~ZENAS~

    Getting Your Employer To Allow/promote Concealed Carry.....

    I work for the government, so our rules about what government employers can and cannot do regarding firearms are very different from private employers. But I did have to do some housecleaning when I was presented with the county policies about firearms. The Sheriff was asked to look over it and...
  3. ~ZENAS~

    Ccw Classes....certification Or Training?

    I feel like we see eye to eye on a whole lot of things, with the only real exception being a somewhat abstract position on constitutional law. I'm glad to see other like-minded instructors and I appreciate the work you do.
  4. ~ZENAS~

    Ccw Classes....certification Or Training?

    I'm interested to hear the other side of the debate. I mean I get the idea that if you have big classes it may be impossible to do additional training in a reasonably short class time, but I honestly can't think of a single valid argument where someone would be OPPOSED to more training in a CCW...
  5. ~ZENAS~

    Ccw Classes....certification Or Training?

    I keep my class sizes small for this very reason. I recognize that most people will never take another class. Whether we advocate more training or not, and whether or not we believe it is their responsibility, more training never hurts. So I structure my classes to get people certified first...
  6. ~ZENAS~

    Help, I Loaded The Wrong Ammo (.380 Into 9mm) In My Gun, Don't Know What To Do...

    You can go to and there will be an option at the very top of the page to "find a course near you". Select that and you can search for all kinds of classes taught by nra instructors.
  7. ~ZENAS~

    Firearm Maintaince Products

    I'm meticulous. My guns get field stripped and cleaned every time I shoot them before they go back in the safe. I use many products from time to time, but my go to all around cleaner is Breakfree CLP.
  8. ~ZENAS~

    Exploding Targets

    Yeah I saw that earlier today. I heard to stay back at least 100 yards per pound of tannerite. He was 43 feet from 3 pounds inside a lawnmower. He was stupid, but the fact that he lost a leg (and was lucky he didn't die) shows how this stuff can be dangerous and should be taken seriously.
  9. ~ZENAS~

    Used Gun Prices Are Insane

    I have just sort of gotten used to it. Desensitized if you will. But there are good deals to be had, you just have to work for it. I sort of look at it like a scavenger hunt. I enjoy browsing gun ads and strolling through gun shows so I just make it a game to find those smoking deals among all...
  10. ~ZENAS~

    Help, I Loaded The Wrong Ammo (.380 Into 9mm) In My Gun, Don't Know What To Do...

    If you truly thought that, put down your guns, and go get some proper training before shooting again. And I don't mean defensive training. Take the NRA's basic pistol course to learn the basics of how pistols work and safe handling. Thinking a round will be okay since it's "really close" to...
  11. ~ZENAS~

    What Are The Gun Laws In Ohio To Keep You Safe?

    Yeah, the issue with defense of others is that you put yourself in their shoes for their self defense claim. However if you're in a public place and a gunman comes in and points a gun at someone like a clerk or just starts shooting people, you can often be very confident who's at fault for...
  12. ~ZENAS~

    What Are The Gun Laws In Ohio To Keep You Safe?

    Yes, if you aren't in your house or your car, if you can retreat from the threat safely, you MUST. Whether you can safely retreat will be judge by the "reasonable man" standard.
  13. ~ZENAS~

    What Are The Gun Laws In Ohio To Keep You Safe?

    I find discussions like this are the best way to learn, grow, and expand our knowledge base. I appreciate your insight.
  14. ~ZENAS~

    What Are The Gun Laws In Ohio To Keep You Safe?

    Yeah those 3 things aren't used as specific requirements for evaluating a self defense claim in Ohio. What they are are factors to consider when looking at prong #2 of the test, that the defendant reasonably was in fear of immediate serious bodily harm. We don't use those terms but use a...
  15. ~ZENAS~

    What Are The Gun Laws In Ohio To Keep You Safe?

    AOJ aren't really terms we use in Ohio law to evaluate self defense claims in Ohio. The 3 prong test is (1) the shooter can't be at fault for creating the situation, (2) the shooter must have a reasonable fear of immediate serious bodily harm, and (3) the shooter didn't violate a duty to...
  16. ~ZENAS~

    What Are The Gun Laws In Ohio To Keep You Safe?

    Well, to be fair, our castle doctrine does give a rebuttable presumption that a person trespassing or attempting to trespass in your home or car are there to cause you serious bodily harm. It's not only the duty to retreat prong of the deadly force self defense test that castle doctrine gives...
  17. ~ZENAS~

    Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism Scope

    Never used the 3x, but had a 1x dot from Vortex and a 1-4x from them on my ARs. I think Vortex makes a great product at a good price point. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another of their products if it met the need of the build.
  18. ~ZENAS~

    Permitless Concealed Carry

    That's where the long line of case law that has developed on all of our constitutional rights comes into play. The current test to restrict a constitutional right is Strict Scrutiny. Which means "a compelling government interest" in restricting the right and a law that is "narrowly tailored" to...
  19. ~ZENAS~

    Supreme Court Upholds Second Amendments Rights Still!

    I wouldn't be so sure. Heller was 5-4 and is coming back to the Supreme Court after going back down for remand. Obama's newest nomination was the Judge who wrote the Heller decision at the Circuit Court level that held there was no individual right to bear arms for self defense. If he gets the...
  20. ~ZENAS~

    Permitless Concealed Carry

    Agreed. One thing I always do for my students after impressing upon them the need for training, since most will never actually go out and take another follow up training course, is tell them that if any time they just want to shoot to call me and we'll go out and shoot. At least then I know...