Valor Ridge bound.

Faktory 47


Mar 25, 2015
Henry County
Zip code
To be fair, you weren't the first one to make this a VR vs TR thread, but when the topic was broached, you showed up on cue, as predicted.

I should have known better and just kept my trap shut. By the time I realized what would ensue from my single comment, the train was headed off the rails. My bad fellas. @Righter13 - sorry for the derail and thanks for the AAR.


Beloved flaming retard
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Mar 23, 2015
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Breathe deeply and repeat after me.

It's ok to not like James Yeager, even if he's helped to promote the site. It's even ok to be vocal about not liking him based on his videos.

It's ok to bash Hillary Clinton, even if you've never met her in the flesh and have only seen her on television.

Some people aren't going to like other people with strong personalities.....and that's ok.

* I hope the frog doesn't offend Kermit lovers.



Mar 25, 2015
Henry County
Zip code
You're kidding, right? You took the first shot at mtdawg by asking a question that implied his inability to discuss the issue since he hadn't taken classes at TR and now you're trying to get your hands on VR's book to prove that he's just copying what was done at TR. You then went on to speak to matters that you were not party to but only heard second - hand, doing exactly what you just called mtdawg out on.

Your only interest in this thread was to defend the honor of Yeager et al. by poo-poo'ing Valor Ridge. I don't have a dog in the fight but you clearly do and anytime Camden, TN comes up, you can guarantee that dramamac will make his way into the conversation. To say anything else is disingenuous and insulting to even the least of our intelligences.

I'll say this and be done...since this clearly isn't the direction Righter desired.

"Lack of real knowledge?" I assume you're insinuating that you have some sort of information that I don't. I would argue that at best, you have one side of the story...and even then only second hand. Either way, though, you are correct....there is definitely a lack of "real knowledge" present.

And as to "immature persistence," I'll admit to the persistence but the only "immaturity" I see here is your ridiculously blind allegiance to any and all things Yeager. Cocaine dealer? No problem...he's friends with James. Stolen Valor YouTube celebrity? No biggie, James said he was good to go. And the list goes on...

You came into this thread attacking mtdawg and the guy that started Valor Ridge...even going so far as to say that he was just taking TR curriculum and rebranding it. You then went on to even attempt to get the materials...and what? We all know where it would have gone from there....and then you have the chutzpah to say you've been nothing but positive?

To be fair, you weren't the first one to make this a VR vs TR thread, but when the topic was broached, you showed up on cue, as predicted.

As I said, I'm done....I just couldn't let it slide.


Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Jul 5, 2015
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Thanks for the pics Righter!

Looks like a great time and how cool that you and your wife train together! I can't even get my wife to the range (but I'm getting closer!).

The "shooting over the heads of the other shooters" thing needs more earthen berm but that's just me. .

Safe travels and thanks for your service!