Never seen a BAR mounted on a jeep before!
Is that for realz?
Yeah, I don't care for most of them. These little bastard are like crack though....and sugar free.
Man I feel old fashioned. I use an old paper map most of the time if I need it. I guess if I ever got lost in the middle of nowhere I could use my phone.
A few months ago, I was driving home from Ft.Knox Ky. There was a accident appx. 30 miles west of Chattanooga, on hwy 24, In 2 hours of traffic I had moved less than 5 miles. I pulled of at the next exit, looked at my map/atlas and plotted my way home using all backroads driving at night on crappy Alabama roads, then cut back east, and got back on 75. It was nice to have the map book & plot the way I wanted to go.
it's great to be able to use both.A few months ago, I was driving home from Ft.Knox Ky. There was a accident appx. 30 miles west of Chattanooga, on hwy 24, In 2 hours of traffic I had moved less than 5 miles. I pulled of at the next exit, looked at my map/atlas and plotted my way home using all backroads driving at night on crappy Alabama roads, then cut back east, and got back on 75. It was nice to have the map book & plot the way I wanted to go.