Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA

9mm Laser for 9MM


Being new here I am stumbling around a bit but hope this is the right area for this question.

I am going to be picking up the Crimson Trace LG-437 Laserguard for my Kahr CM9 per Richards recommendation.

I was also looking at a laser for either my Glock 17 (gen3) or full size Beretta pX4 Storm which are used for home protection and are not carry guns. Not being laser savy I have a few questions..... rail vs grip vs guard style lasers? Price wise I would lean to the rail..... Thoughts? Also the green vs. red?

Sorry to be so broad with my questions but at this stage I may not even know the right questions to ask..... appreciate any help as searching the net is drowning me with info that conflicts at times...


I'm thinking along the same lines as you but maybe a little further along in deciding. I also have a PX4 storm but in sub compact. I've about decided on a rail mount in green, probably a Streamlite for sub compact. Still haven't made the plunge yet but it probably will be soon.
I also want to get the mag sleeve for the full size PX4 mag when the mags become available from Baretta.
I expect there will be a lot of practice to follow as I have never been a laser user but that's OK. Like you, I think this will be a plus for a HD weapon.


I was fortunate to win the Forum Raffle 2nd prize of the Crimson Trace Railmaster CMR201 and put it on my XD 9 Subcompact. It works extremely well - easily adjusted, holds zero, very bright. It may require a different holster to fit but made no difference for my Mika holster. Adjusting to using it takes practice, but isn't hard. Obviously, it makes point shooting very easy.

Mine is a red laser and works fine. Green is easier to see in some conditions. No laser works well in sunlight. I have tried using it at night, and it isn't subtle - really lights up a room from reflection. Not a substitute for a flashlight, but it gives off a lot of illumination. Expect a green one would likely be even brighter.

I have used the grip mounted Crimson Trace on my LCP for a couple years and I like it a lot too. I shoot the LCP much more accurately with the laser than without, however, for me, the laser seems to give similar accuracy as iron sights on the XD9sc.




Just a side thought...

If you already have your holster of choice for your handgun, a rail mount laser may force you to look at an alternative.
I'd hate to give up my Cross Breed holtser for my LC9 because the molding does not include space for the laser.


My problem has been finding a holster! A lefty for a PX4 Storm Sub Compact is non existent except on special order! Part of the reason to use it as a HD weapon.


Thanks for the help guys!! Giving the Steamlight TLR-4 a try. Was $104 on Amazon so not sure I can go too wrong. Will report back