I think it is time to be pro-active

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What Would Paladin Do?
There is no substitute for communication to the right individuals. We kick topics around on the forums, but those who should be receiving our opinions and beliefs don't generally read these forums.

I just spent half an hour finding the email addresses for all of my state senators and representatives, as well as the majority and minority leaders. I then sent them each an email expressing my concern over the unreasonable proposals and ideas that have been surfaced about 'gun control' (it's civil rights, actually) and what I think about them, including proposals to license, train and allow armed teachers and schools employees to take their carry guns to school. I'm sure you can put together your own reasoned arguments. I then sent President Obama a similar letter.

I don't know what effect my communication will have, but I know it will at least add to the growing number of voices calling for sanity and reason in this debate.

I encourage all of you to do the same. It only takes a few minutes to send emails.


Following your lead Mayo! Made my list last night, e-mailing tonite!!


Sep 16, 2012
I have done much the same. I sent short to the point e-mails and/or letters to anyone that I thought would matter. Basically all I said was "you know in your heart that taking guns from people like me does not make the country a safer place". I did not send a long rambling manifesto. In most cases I did not even mention the 2nd Amendment.


...the NRA has posted a helpful assistance piece to make the process of writing your representatives a bit less stressing. Go here for the reference:

NRA-ILA Write Your Reps

Please do send an e-mail or make a call...they actually do listen to what comes down the pipeline, even if they don't respond affirmatively to the will of the people. Tons of pro-2ND correspondence can make a difference, however. Reelection and future personal $$$ seems to prevail occasionally. This is a war and we all have a lot a stake.




Mar 7, 2010
Middle Georgia
Both Georgia Senators and my local Congressman have replied to me, stating that they WILL NOT support Biden and Obama on their Second Amendment attack. What does your elected folks have to say?

Yogi 117

Jun 8, 2012
Salem OR
I have sent numerous e-mails to all my National Senators & Rep, but living in Oregon (a very Blue State), they are all "D's" & don't normally respond. I have no idea how they will lean on this one, very frustrating! Yogi :eek:


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
LOL.... Works for me. I've emailed and written all my Federal & States Reps before but, used the NRA lnk to do it again. Here the body of the message. Just for info purposes. I'd suggest keeping it short and simple.

I'm one of many citizens glad that I don't live in Chicago, New York City, Washington D.C. were law abiding citizens lost lost the right to defend themselves inside and outside of their homes.

I don't lately see myself joining a Militia or going hunting but that last part of the 2nd Amendment that reads ".... the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." is rather dear to me.

I've been carrying a weapon since 1969, having served 24 years in the military and being of sound mind, I have a SC CWP license and appreciate our Castle Defense Laws. I own an AR and would also take great offense if another inept ban on assault rifles were implemented. I also have a few 30 round magazines with increased capacity should the need arise.

Several times in my life I took an oath to defend and protect this country, as have some of you. We need to continue to do that.


Thanks for posting the link.


Very well said lowhand!! And you're not alone!! I have to work this weekend but there is a gun show in town and friends that have gone are talking about having to park three blocks away and stand in line for over an hour. They say the isles are so crowded you can't hardly move down them! Also prices are reported as being about the same as before Sandy Hook! They'll never get all those guns out of peoples hands! At least not down here in the south!! 8)