General Forum Rules

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA
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Mar 6, 2010
Alabama USA
Obviously you agreed, on registering, to the general rules of etiquette when using this forum. Other than those specific guidelines one would expect you to act as adults and you shall be treated as adults. Respect is the golden rule here! Agree to disagree at times. Most importantly, have fun, learn, and share.

Forum Rules

1. No illegal message content.

2. No foul language. We are trying to maintain a civil environment and such language is not appropriate. The use of abbreviations that infer curse words, expletives, or any other type of foul or abusive words/language will likewise not be tolerated/permitted at the discretion of moderators/administration. LMAO, ROTFLMAO, and similar acronyms are not considered offensive to most users and may be used on this forum. The use of abbreviations for generally excepted obscene words used in the context of flaming or harassing another member, business, or entity will be deleted.

It's really not complicated, so don't try to read into this or push the envelope trying to see what-will-fly. Some members may find any kind of abbreviation/acronym/etc. offensive. That is their prerogative and we suggest they not visit this forum if does not meet their standard of decency. We're trying to set some guidelines and that's all. If your post is deleted and you can't figure out's probably due to a violation of this rule.

3. No rude or abusive language and No flame wars are allowed here. It is possible to disagree with someone without getting rude.

4. Posts with racist or extremist comments or content are not allowed. That includes links to sites with such content.

5. Absolutely NO racial, religious, or sexual bigotry is allowed at any time. Don't lower yourself into dragging someones ethnicity or sexual orientation into an argument or disagreement.

6. Unsolicited posts by companies and/or individuals advertising products are not allowed. (Please email for info on becoming a sponsor.)

7. Posts with sexually suggestive or explicit content are not allowed. That includes links to sites with such content.

8. Do NOT reopen threads pertaining to subjects that had previous threads closed.

9. Do NOT post the same or similar thread in multiple forums. Select the forum best suited for the topic and post it there. Multiple postings with the same subject matter by the same member will NOT be allowed.

10. Do not post or link to content containing graphic depictions of injury or death to people or animals.

11. We do not allow anyone to be registered under more than ONE member name. There is absolutely NO reason to have an extra account unless it is used for trolling purposes. If you are found to have more than one account, you will risk losing ALL of your accounts.

12. Avatars of your own choosing are allowed for 'Senior Members', as long as they are tasteful in content, and conform to the rules above. The Administrators and Moderators DO NOT want members using the avatar system to make extremely bigoted personal, religious, or political statements. They should be used to express your likes, loves, and individuality.

13. Signature - Please Review the Signature Guidelines post

14. List ALL 'FOR SALE' items in the proper 'WTB/WTS/WTT' forum. You are NOT to list items for sale in any other part of the site. Find the proper category for your item and list it there. DO NOT use other forums to sell anything. This also pertains to items you seek that are 'Wanted to Buy'. Put these in the 'Wanted to Buy' forum in the Want Ads area ONLY. Also, DO NOT post a 'link' to 'For Sale' ads you may have on other boards, such as GunBroker or GunsAmerica. Links in other forums hold the same weight as Ads themselves, they aren't allowed.

15.We ask that you keep your bumps and BTT's (Back To Top's) in the 'For Sale'/'Want Ad' section to one (1) a day. We want everyone to have a chance at the first page. Anyone found to be BTT-ing too often will have their ads removed.

16. We will not allow the forum to be used to deliberately trash, denigrate, or malign another forum or site. Note: the "LCP is a Kel-tec copy" or "the P238 is a Mustang Clone" postings and general moaning about the issue have been run ad nauseam. If it appears that you have joined this board solely to continue this diatribe you will be gone - period.

DO NOT drag your board wars over to this site. If you do so, it will jeopardize your account on this board.

17. Cheesecake/beefcake threads and posts are not allowed here. If you want to look at or post pictures of scantily-clad women (or men) please do so elsewhere. This isn't the place for it.

18. We DO NOT want our Moderators harassed and attacked. This WILL NOT be tolerated. If it happens, you will be GONE! NO questions asked, you will lose your posting privileges.

19. Political, religious, and similar discussions are not allowed in the Compact Carry Forum because discussions on those topics usually end up becoming flame wars. Issues related to the 2nd Amendment may be discussed in the 2nd Amendment forum area, but the discussions must remain civil.

20. It should go without saying that posting the content of any PM (personal message) in a public post is a BIG NO-NO. It is a breach of confidentiality. PM are just that - personal messages. Immediate suspension of your account will result.

Everyone is welcome to hang out here and express their opinions, but we expect anyone that chooses to post, to do so within the confines of the posting rules above. We reserve the right to close, edit, or remove any post or thread that violates the rules here. Anyone that repeatedly violates the rules will not be allowed to participate here. You can disagree with someone - just do so like an adult.

Above all else, we expect people to be treated with RESPECT! If you are here to stir the pot and cause problems you will find your post(s) deleted. If you publicly harass the moderators of this forum, your account will be terminated. We will not engage in any discussion on whether or not your actions were appropriate. If a post is deleted, locked, or moved then accept it and move on. It is a forum, not a debate contest.

Thank you.
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