Bye, bye Bond Arms

Preparedness Depot in Acworth, GA


What Would Paladin Do?
The .410/.45 long Colt Bond Arms Snake Slayer in on sale at the local shop. Why? There is some detailed info on my self defense carry blog ( but the gist is the two-shot limitation is too onerous to overcome to rely on it as a main, or only, carry gun.

It is superbly well made and shoots awesome ammo, but reloading after two shots under stress is something I don't want to deal with. I could get it down to around five seconds, not under stress, if everything went right. When does that happen?

As an awesome hand-held .410 shotgun, it can't be beat. As a primary or only carry gun, it's not for me.

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What Would Paladin Do?
Well, I thought it was a good idea at the time. I guess that's why Barbara thinks I can be hard headed! Now, it is back to the LCP and SR9c. I flirted with a Shield, but I think I will stay with the Ruger. It's such a sweet shooting 9 and it seems to fit my hand just right.

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Sep 16, 2012
I think you have made a wise decision. There are other easily concealed options that will do the job and give you more than 2 chances.


What Would Paladin Do?
True. That was always the elephant in the room. If I had been willing to carry the LCP as a constant back up for it, then it would have been ok. Not great, but ok. For a time I had it on top of a cabinet right by the front door. You had to be tall to reach it, which I am at 6' 3", so it would have been a good security weapon, but I'm always carrying anyway, so that would have been an expensive luxury.

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Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
Understood. I carried a .32 cal Derringer around for years as a BUG. I went .380 when the Ruger LCP showed up.