[Article] - Why Stash Guns Are A Terrible Idea

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Mar 14, 2016
"If you are lucky enough to have multiple guns then safely storing a "stash gun" may become a viable option in your house, but it is essential you follow good firearm safety storage guidelines, and have a weapon readily available to you at all time."

The above quote from the article is really the most useful part. Whether or not a gun stashed away in your house is a good idea or a helpful idea is extremely circumstantially driven. For some situations and circumstances it might be the best idea possible. And for some, (like me who has a small child and small children in the house quite often), it's basically a no go. The general principal of the article, that "stash guns are a terrible idea" is fundamentally false. If one stores guns unsafely for their circumstances, or in poorly chosen locations, then they CAN be a terrible idea. But if done properly and safely, stash guns can be life savers. 

Regardless of your situation, storing guns in multiple locations in your house is a good idea. It's just important to do so safely. As I mentioned my situation, where I can't just store loaded guns around the house in the open, I do have safes in several places in my house that I can access if my main safe is not accessible in an emergency. And having the gun on you all the time isn't always the only answer. Not only is it not possible 100% of the time (unless you shower with your gun on, etc...), in a home invasion (which can include groups of armed attackers), your carry gun might not be enough firepower to completely stop the threat. So access to other weapons is a must. So I disagree and suggest everyone stash guns around your house in strategic locations. Just make sure you do it safely according to your own circumstances so they aren't accessible to people who shouldn't have them and so that they are useful to you in the event you need them. 

Lastly, if an attacker gets your stashed gun before you do and "makes the situation worse" then you have already failed to properly stash your guns. That's not a knock on the stash gun theory, but on the poor stashing choices of the home owner. 
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Dec 9, 2016
You make some good points about how these stash guns can sometimes turn in to terrible situations. Always, always, always store your firearms safely no matter if they are there for your self defense or not. It only takes a child being unsupervised for 2 seconds to hurt themselves or someone else.