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Howard Law
  1. B

    Dach Clock Glock

    I see what you did there.
  2. B

    Dach Clock Glock

    I want a grandfather clock to hold the AK. :D
  3. B

    Homeowner self defense.. Owner-2 .... BG's-0

    In baseball that will get you in the Hall of Fame.
  4. B

    The Boys of Summer

    We need to hear some range reports. Looks good.
  5. B

    Range A, B and C

    Well done dave. When you see him again.......air pistols! :)
  6. B

    Best .22 in the world and YES I would carry it for self defense

    Still no SR22 for me. I have to keep telling myself I have way too many rimfires already.
  7. B

    Prayer request from GlockTalk forum

    13 is way too young to be dealing with that.
  8. B

    Oh God, I can just see ammo hoarding phase two just beginning

    Special effects soundtrack to up coming movies. Cop: Freeze or I will shoot! sound of running feet pfffft pump pump pump pump pfffft pump pump pump pump pfffft Bad guy: Ouch!!!! Just kidding, of course. Gun grabbers would like to have us all using air guns, then take away the cartridges...
  9. B

    Added a wheel gun to the CCW rotation

    Nothing wrong with that! Nice.
  10. B

    Ooops... I did it again!!!!

    Good for you and happy birthday!!! If you want a good present it is always best to get it yourself. :D
  11. B

    Ruger SR45c

    You are probably right.
  12. B

    Not exactly compact carry

    There is an interview with her on YouTube. Seems like a great kid. Apparently not a total tomboy. Said one of her favorite things to do besides shooting was to paint her nails.
  13. B

    Ruger SR45c

    I am a Ruger guy, but they need to get on the stick and make a lighter smaller .45 acp. There is only about 6 oz. between a SR 1911 Commander and the SR45. I love my SR1911. It is my favorite gun by far, but it pretty big and about 39 oz. A complete pleasure to shoot, but not the easiest to...
  14. B

    Ruger SR45c

    Got this response from Ruger today. Response: Thank you for your inquiry. I'm sorry, I have no information on a SR45c. Please keep checking our website, for any new announcements on new products coming out. Thank you for your patience. If you need further information, please...
  15. B

    Ruger SR45c

    Funny you would mention that, I just got it out and wiped it down last night. I plan to warm it up this weekend! ;D
  16. B

    Ruger SR45c

    I have 700 rounds and 1300 clean primed brass in the garage. I need that .45c . :)
  17. B

    Ruger SR45c

    I may not wait much longer. Ruger is supposed to respond in 3 days or less. I probably will not get a straight answer. Truth is, I don't see many Springfields in my part of the country, which has saved me a lot of money since I have wanted an EMP for a while now.
  18. B

    Ruger SR45c

    No.....Ruger has not released a SR45c.......yet. However, I just wanted you to know I have started to bug them about it. I have waited long enough. I wrote the CEO yesterday and requested information on a possible SR45c. I even hinted that I may have to buy a Springfield XDS if there wasn't one...
  19. B

    Not exactly compact carry

    I love the look on that girls face at the very end. That is a look of intensity and relief all at the same time.
  20. B

    Well here she be

    Two of my buddies that are cops (and brothers) both carry the .22 lr version when off duty.