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GA Firing Line
  1. BubbaDX

    Family of Nines

    Nice looking family.
  2. BubbaDX

    What are you planning on acquiring in the next 12 months?

    What do I plan to purchase in the next 12 months? Well, in the past 12 months I have purchased 2 Rugers, 2 Mosin Nagants, 1 Hi-Point 995TS, 1 Sig Sauer P250 Compact and 1 Colt LE6920. In the next 12 months I hope to pick up the pace a little bit. There is a list of military surplus rifles I...
  3. BubbaDX

    Thinking about an AR

    An AR has been on my to-buy list for a while. Recently I stumbled across the Colt LE6920 for under $1000 shipped to my FFL. Today I couldn't pass it up any longer and pulled the trigger on it. Hopefully it will ship tomorrow and my FFL will have it next week. The LE6920MP is very nice if you...
  4. BubbaDX

    RICHGCOOP'S loading bench

    Nice work space.
  5. BubbaDX

    1938 Mosin Nagant Tula 91/30

    Nice assortment of toys there.
  6. BubbaDX

    Paint brush anyone?

    No but you can bet I will be trying it. I use a q-tip for oiling those small and hard to reach areas. But a brush would be a lot more versatile. Thank you for the idea.
  7. BubbaDX

    Adding Utah (non-resident) permit

    Ironically, Illinois has a very nice shooting facility called the World Shooting and Recreation Complex located in Sparta Illinois. I have been meaning to visit this place, but my buddy goes there to shoot clays. They have a link on legally transporting your firearm that may be of assistance...
  8. BubbaDX

    OK ... need advice

    Tell her you only bought the Marlin, the other two were free. Probably won't work though. Nice buy, looking forward to the pics.
  9. BubbaDX

    1938 Mosin Nagant Tula 91/30

    I scratched one more off my list today. If I could find that elusive M44 somewhere, I could officially scratch the name Mosin Nagant off my wish list forever. This weekend my 2nd favorite gun show in the St. Louis area comes to town. It's a smaller venue but attracts some interesting people...
  10. BubbaDX

    ATF C&R (Curios & Relics) license?

    I dropped the application with a check in the mail and a copy of the application in the mail to the local Chief of Police. Ill let you know how it goes.
  11. BubbaDX

    Andaconda, home in ORIGINAL box

    And it's a very cool looking box also. It appears to tell a story of the man, not just his company.
  12. BubbaDX

    ATF C&R (Curios & Relics) license?

    I want to say it's approximately 50 years, but don't quote me on that. There are some odd rules set forth to determine if its a C&R. Here is a link to the current list of C&R eligible firearms.
  13. BubbaDX

    ATF C&R (Curios & Relics) license?

    What SkipD said. I don't really need one. With a C&R I can buy directly from places like J&G and AIM without going through an FFL for. But only for those items classified as C&R.
  14. BubbaDX

    ATF C&R (Curios & Relics) license?

    The paperwork is minimal, the cost is minimal, it seems like a no-brainer to me. I printed my paperwork, filled out a check and have it ready to drop in the mail tomorrow. I have no intentions of selling any of the firearms I purchase, they will all go to my kids. So far I have not thought...
  15. BubbaDX

    ATF C&R (Curios & Relics) license?

    How many here have a C&R license? I have been giving this a lot of thought. There are a lot of WWII era firearm I would like to add to my collection and this seems like the perfect way to do it.
  16. BubbaDX

    Raffle ??

    Count me in no matter what the prize. That was always a very fun feature of the old forum, it would be nice to see it worked into the new forum in some way.
  17. BubbaDX

    M1 Garand

    One of these days, I will have an M1. Nice looking rifle Trigger and great shooting by your son.
  18. BubbaDX

    NRA and 51 US Senators have stopped the UN Small Arms Treaty

    This is very good news.