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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    Money. Can't hide money...
  2. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    This does not make your case any better :)
  3. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    How I know this is a joke thread. LOL
  4. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    No ma'am simply agreeing w/ you. There is a complete difference between being bitchy and being a bitch anyway.
  5. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    I do some of my best thinking while mowing. However, my lazy ass overrides my cheap ass and I am riding a mower :)
  6. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    Why would today be any different than every other day? :)
  7. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    I keep missing all these bitching and moaning and fighting threads. Is there some way to put a star or something by the thread once it starts heading down hill? Thanks @dougiemac :behindsofa::boink::bolt:
  8. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Anyone raise and process their own hogs?

    Thanks, I looked him up and about to send him a message.
  9. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    CSH close enough? LOL
  10. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    Let me know the next time you leave it running and I will reappropriate it for you. Let your insurance company get you what you really want. :rofl:
  11. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    I do too, but I still lock it. And, it is still w/in my sight when I do leave it running to go in a store.
  12. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Public toilets?

    There are several places that will make you the stickers/decals locally: Henson's Signs on the bypass: There is a sign place on Posey St in downtown. These two come to mind. There is a guy that I work w/ his wife does stickers, but she is expensive. I will check...
  13. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Anyone raise and process their own hogs?

    I can check, but Newnan, GA is a pretty good haul from WV. :)
  14. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Anyone raise and process their own hogs?

    That's the problem, I don't have the pens set up and don't want to set them up for feeding them out. :) I just want to pick them up and deliver to the butcher and then go pick up my meat. And, since it isn't that easy, I am not going to mess w/ it.
  15. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Anyone raise and process their own hogs?

    If it weren't for the need to "feed them out"; we would be in. I found a butcher that will process for a cut of the meat. There are 20 pigs that he is trying to give away, so I'd still have more meat than I would know what to do w/. We currently have 65 chickens, 20 ducks, 4 colonies of bees...
  16. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    concealed, open or don't carry?

    Even then, I wouldn't open carry. It has always been my belief that if someone is of the mindset to pull off an armed robbery, they most likely have the mindset to shoot someone. And, the person that has a weapon out in plan view would be the first one shot.
  17. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    concealed, open or don't carry?

    Precisely why I don't open carry!!!
  18. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    concealed, open or don't carry?

    To me, there is only one choice: concealed.
  19. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Century C308 thoughts?

    I will have to take a look at them. But, I am not in the market. Could save you $300 or so $$ over the PTR though.
  20. lftd&pwrstrok'n

    Century C308 thoughts?

    Personally, I would hold out for a PTR91, although I have no experience w the C308. I do have a C93 that has been flawless, so I have nothing against Century. Just read too many bad things over the years. Maybe they have turned things around and are gtg?