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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. M

    New gun for 2013

    I am going to be looking into CC revolvers as I am convinced pistols will be under pressure.
  2. M

    New Years

    I grew up in Virginia and now live in North Carolina. We always have "hoppin' john" which is a mix of rice, black-eyed peas, crushed tomatoes, a little onion, ham and some sweet pepper (or jalapeno, if you are so inclined". Tradition calls for each member of the family to stir the pot. It is...
  3. M

    An honest news reporter

    President Kennedy once hosted a dinner at the White House of all of the Noble prize winners alive at the time. He said ""There has never been a greater concentration of intellectual power here at the White House since Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
  4. M

    Well .... crap

    My 10 year old granddaughter says "Grandpa, you've got 'old eyes'". I believe she is right. If I forgot my glasses, I'd have to carry a shotgun and someone to point me in the right direction.
  5. M

    Hello all...

    Good to see you posting.
  6. M

    Any savings on reloading?

    Other than just enjoying reloading, it has several benefits. Slightly cheaper than commercial rounds, tighter tolerances and better quality than SAMMI standards, a wealth of knowledge in regard to ballistics, coefficients of bullets shapes, muzzle velocities and energies. The most important...
  7. M

    What was your first handgun?

    In 1962 I bought my first pistol; a Ruger Blackhawk in .357 magnum. Sold it to a LEO in 1975. Wish I had it back.
  8. M

    Winchester 94 help

    I just recently restored a 1902 Remington rolling block in 7mm Spanish Mauser that was hanging in a barn for forty years. I used CLR with a 0000 steel wool. Rub gently until you see the bluing (or what is left). I was amazed, all the rust came off but the bluing was still there. Good luck and...
  9. M

    Please join me in prayer

    Sorry to hear of your loss. There is nothing I can say to make it any easier on you and your family. I will say a prayer for you all.
  10. M

    Reloading forums

    I have been reloading for over 50 years. Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun ammo. The reloading data I use is a combination of reloading manuals, bullet manufacturer's data, books, websites and any other information from other reloaders. The most important lesson I have learned is that you cannot...
  11. M

    LC9 - How many mags come with a new gun?

    Mine came with one mag so I bought another one asap.
  12. M

    Please join me in prayer

    We will keep both of you in our prayers. God Bless!
  13. M

    Holster Evaluation Charts and Analysis Posted on my Blog

    Thanks, It is always appreciated when someone takes the time to really learn something special and then pass it on. I will read carefully.
  14. M

    Had a squib round at the State match yesterday!

    Don't feel too bad! We often learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes. As soon as you believe you know all there is to know about reloading, you are in trouble. It is a constant learning experience and takes constant focus. Glad nothing too bad happened. Keep going and don't...
  15. M

    Ammunition storage questions

    Ammo cans or plastic copy-cat "dry-boxes" like you get from Cabela's with bulk ammo orders. The ammo will last a very long time as long as not exposed to temperature extremes or humidity.
  16. M

    8 visitors today

    Thanks for the great photos. I have been an avid hunter for over fifty years and shot, cleaned and eaten many different species of animals and birds. Now that I am getting older, I enjoy watching wildlife even more than hunting them. For you younger hands, keep on hunting!
  17. M

    The LC9 and your personal reload

    I reload all calibers that I own. For the LC9 I reload all of my practice ammo, but still purchase standard factory ammo for CC. Maybe a little too cautious on my part; but, I don't want to ever end up in court after a self-defense incident answering questions on reloading. You know. Why this...
  18. M

    Another theater shooting...

    I believe we should politely inform businesses that post signs prohibiting CCW, that we do not feel safe with their policy and absolute lack of security provided by the business owner. We can vote with our feet and and dollars. It does not do any good to avoid those places without letting the...
  19. M

    What the heck?

    I rarely use the minimum powder load for any reload data or caliber. I also rarely use the maximum. I have found that backing off of the maximum load by about 10% will give you bullet performance close to max with better accuracy and less casing problems. Good luck.
  20. M

    Rust removal

    Use a little CLR full strength and 000 steel wool gently. I have used that to remove a lot of rust on an old rifle and it did not remove the bluing underneath. Go slow and easy.