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Howard Law
  1. jaques

    1908 Sears & Roebuck catalog

    I was looking thru this yesterday and found it very intriguing. Here are some pictures from it.
  2. jaques

    It's my birthday today.

    Happy birthday
  3. jaques

    22 ammo

    If you are looking for some 22 ammo the Walmart in Gainesville has a bunch of bulk boxes.
  4. jaques


    I bought a Yeti Rambler Wednesday, just to see if it will live up to the hype. I was happy with it, so then I put my better half's coffee in it one morning and sent her on her way to work. Before I could ask her, she told me it stayed hotter much longer and any of her other travel mugs. So it...
  5. jaques

    Keltec Sub2000

    I never handled it at the store. The box was still sealed up when I got it home. I have the PMR30 and it also feels like a POS. It has never been shot either. You get what you pay for and there will be no more Keltec for me.
  6. jaques

    Keltec Sub2000

    I bought a new one for $325 at my LGS and it felt like a water gun. I never even loaded it, I found someone that wanted to trade me a like new G19 for it. So we swapped. Then I bought a Beretta Storm and love it.
  7. jaques

    Just DIYed Some LED Gunsafe Lights.

    I put a LED rope light in mine and a mirror on the back wall then I stalled 2 dehumidifiers in it as well.
  8. jaques

    B.O.B.'s! What's In Yours?

    Mine is totally empty, maybe I should start one.
  9. jaques

    Admit to something embarrassing but true...

    I had one of my eyes super glued shut!
  10. jaques

    Public toilets?

  11. jaques

    Atlanta Falcons

    Don't hold your breath, they will suck like they usually do! It's pretty bad when you have to pipe in crowd noise.
  12. jaques


    Don't worry the Braves, Falcons and Bulldogs will follow suit.
  13. jaques

    Gas or electric weed eater?

    It all depends how much you need to use it for. If you have a lot to cut then go with gas, but if not I would go with electric.
  14. jaques

    Dead Air Armament now selling muzzle brake

    I got one today.
  15. jaques

    •♦• 1911 Bliss •♦•

    Kimber Gold Match II Springfield compact Range Officer Les Baer TRS Sig Sauer Molon Labe
  16. jaques

    NCAA March Madness 2015!

    What happened to Kentucky?!?!?!
  17. jaques

    I Wish All Employers Would Do This...

    No way....I love it here, even with their stupid sign.