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Faktory 47
  1. Sheps

    Have you thought about a katana as part of your SHTF gear?

    Machetes are pretty single purpose. They're good at hacking vines, leaves and so on. They suck at everything else you'd want a big blade for.
  2. Sheps

    Riddle me this...

    Me thinks someone didn't graduate marketing school...
  3. Sheps

    5/3/1 Strength

    Don't know if any of you guys are into strength training or want to get in to it but Wendler's 5/3/1 program is good to go. I added 200lbs across my 4 major lifts in about 9 months. But I didn't want to start a whole thread talking about training if no one was interested. This seems to be the...
  4. Sheps

    Have you thought about a katana as part of your SHTF gear?

    Agree on the crowbar. Useful tool in itself, and far more longevity against zombies too. ;)
  5. Sheps

    The growth of NFA in America

    Well this is why you join the NRA and keep up with what's going on, write reps and so on. AND I might add, why you go to the same effort for things that don't personally concern you. Because if you don't we see green tip is allowed but 7n6 isn't, for reasons? Ridiculous.
  6. Sheps

    Loading .308 Backwards

    I would think (in my ignorance) that the copper or lead would do more eroding than the gas.
  7. Sheps

    The growth of NFA in America

    You mean like, getting rid of it?
  8. Sheps

    Public toilets?

    So if he dies now, does his life matter as much as it did a month ago?
  9. Sheps

    If you're going to conceal

    Actually conceal the damn thing! Quick run down. BG sees this guys gun, because he's not really concealing it. Should've gone to NSRTactical for his holster most likely. BG goes for...
  10. Sheps

    How long before female MMA is 100% tranny?

    Only pundits want to see a boxer fight in mma. If I want to see a boxer fight I'll watch boxing. If I want to see an mma fighter fight I watch mma. I don't want to see a BJJ guy in a boxing match or an archer in IPSC or a kayaker in tennis.
  11. Sheps

    How long before female MMA is 100% tranny?

    Why would Mayweather, a boxer, be in an MMA fight? That's a ridiculous thing to say. "For the record, George St.Pierre would take Michael Phelps OUT!"... D'uh. Irrelevant comment is irrelevant. Anyway, your assumption that I was being a misogynist is, also, wrong. I quoted someone saying a...
  12. Sheps

    When SHTF, Do You BUG OUT? or BUG IN?

    Do you really expect to "bug out" with a rucksack?
  13. Sheps

    How long before female MMA is 100% tranny?

    Why would she get a man below her weight class if men have to fight men in their weight class? See, we are admitting she can't beat a man.
  14. Sheps

    Loading .308 Backwards

    Certainly turn a few heads lol.
  15. Sheps

    Loading .308 Backwards

    Interesting results... Interesting that there actually were results that is.
  16. Sheps

    Public toilets?

    I don't like the participation awards, but I also think sometimes this stuff is taken a bit too seriously. If you instil the proper mindset, attitude, habits and practical skills your kid will do fine regardless of how many trophies they got for participating. Regardless of what the school or...
  17. Sheps

    How long before female MMA is 100% tranny?

    Wait, guys, are you suggesting that men and women are *gasp, pause for effect* different? Why, I just don't believe it. :angel:
  18. Sheps

    Recipe Quick n' Easy Marinades

    I hate cooking. Like HATE it. So what are some easy things you can do with steak or chicken? I'm talking a minute to make up, stick it in a plastic bag for half hour, stick it on the grill type deals. Preferably the sort of thing you could make up with what you'd reasonably expect to find in a...
  19. Sheps

    Dieseling an Air Rifle

    Pretty sure you can use cooking oils too, though I haven't tried it.