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GA Firing Line
  1. Leshaire

    Budget rimfire scope...

    For 22 I dont think you can really go wrong. I have a cheap Bushnell Banner 3-9 that does the trick. It was under a hundo but idr exactly.
  2. Leshaire

    Public toilets?

    Hell yeah! Looks good man
  3. Leshaire

    Another short notice firearms training day!

    Lol good call. You find any other takers or what?
  4. Leshaire

    Another short notice firearms training day!

    That’s the scary part for a non LEO. My buddies were riding motorcycles in Atl the other day and Gwinnett couldn’t gaf but APD and an undercover were so far up their asses all day it’s not even funny. I’d def catch the rando GSP that wants to give me shit lol.
  5. Leshaire

    Another short notice firearms training day!

    He just announced a state-wide shutdown. No one can leave for anything not deemed essential. $1,000 fine and/or jail time.
  6. Leshaire

    Another short notice firearms training day!

    Whelp Kemp just shut us ALL down starting Friday at noon.
  7. Leshaire

    Another short notice firearms training day!

    Alright well I suppose PM me if you get two others. We should be good to go assuming Kemp doesn't shut us all down at 4 pm today like the rumors are saying!
  8. Leshaire

    Another short notice firearms training day!

    Me and my same buddy that did the carbine teamwork course may be in then. But seriously would only want to do it if it excluded newer shooters. Not to be a dick of course. Im not saying i'm great or anything bc i'm not, I just know the cardinal rules, have good discipline, and all my gear is...
  9. Leshaire

    Another short notice firearms training day!

    Whats the minimum amount of people you need to rent the range for the day? Is anyone else interested as of now?
  10. Leshaire

    Precision rimfire training?

    If this goes down and I come I will definitely show up with Eley Match.
  11. Leshaire

    Another short notice firearms training day!

    Thats a beautiful piece of land right there if its the range im thinking of. If I were to do a course I'd like a faster paced, push my skills, learn new skills, run and gun type deal. Pistol to rifle transitions. Draw and shoot. Etc. Just me though. I hate being stuck in the classes where a...
  12. Leshaire

    Precision rimfire training?

    Well then I'd prob come lol
  13. Leshaire

    Precision rimfire training?

    I dont have a gun for it. All my guns are shorty bois!
  14. Leshaire

    Econ Market Updates: It ain't pretty rn

    Now is a time for those that really know what they're doing lol. Not a newb. Why did they suspend his account??
  15. Leshaire

    Econ Market Updates: It ain't pretty rn

    I dont know what to do about 401K. At least with my IRA I have the freedom to do whatever tf I want. Can you have a cash balance and no investments in a 401K though??
  16. Leshaire

    Drone thread

    Meh still. I wanted to use it for filming and slapping a new battery in every ten minutes sounds annoying.
  17. Leshaire

    Drone thread

    Thats extremely disappointing. Been looking at the DJI Mini. Fuck it if its 10 minutes of fun though...
  18. Leshaire

    Econ Market Updates: It ain't pretty rn

    I agree, but I think that will be another week or two. In that time frame, I'm personally betting on further losses.
  19. Leshaire

    Econ Market Updates: It ain't pretty rn

    Yup, but I am still waiting. The market is still reallyyyyyyy high.