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Southeast Traders Apparel Swag Store
  1. NWS

    Lazy Lowers?

    I spent the day with him a couple of years before he passed. He was a hoot. Wish I could have spent more time. A true high point in my gun hobby.
  2. NWS

    Lazy Lowers?

    Hook passed away a few years ago. The man was a legend.
  3. NWS

    Lazy Lowers?

    Now I have 2 SBR lowers with no upper..
  4. NWS

    Lazy Lowers?

    I try to avoid conflict.
  5. NWS

    Lazy Lowers?

    No, I had him text me.
  6. NWS

    Lazy Lowers?

    I just offered one to a guy on ODT who was looking for a stripped lower. Let's see what happens....
  7. NWS

    Lazy Lowers?

    I offered one up for giveaway day but for some reason they never responded.
  8. NWS

    Lazy Lowers?

    Anyone in need of a set lower? I have several.
  9. NWS

    Lazy Lowers?

    You don't even want to know how many stripped lowers I have. Hell, I don't even know. I'm pretty sure I have 4 of these SET lowers. I don't think I'll ever come close to @Balthaz . I even have a SBR stamped lower sitting in the safe that hasn't had an upper on it in over a year.
  10. NWS


    The only slings I will use on an AR are IDF slings. Have yet to find something I like more.
  11. NWS

    To SBR or not

    I wouldn't SBR an AR anymore and I own 5 of them. Had the braces been as good back then as they are today I wouldn't own at least 4 of the 5 AR SBRs. The good thing is I probably wouldn't own the pistols either. The stamps have made me keep them.
  12. NWS


    He would fit in perfectly. He would be Jeter 2.0
  13. NWS


    Damage done mother fucker! Gotta love ending it with Machado on his knees. Best ending ever!
  14. NWS

    My 9mm can doesn't work
  15. NWS

    My 9mm can doesn't work

    Is it steel or aluminum? If steel, dip it.
  16. NWS

    My 9mm can doesn't work

    Do you have the booster spring installed?
  17. NWS


    Btw, I was a braves fan simply because that was the name of my little league team when I was 5. Being from New Mexico we didn't have pro teams so we just picked one randomly to root for seemed like as good a reason as any.
  18. NWS


    Two reasons. 1. When I was going through my divorce I spent 3 months in Boston working. I had nothing better to do than drink beer and watch baseball in the hotel bar. Those Boston fans hated the Yankees even more than I did as a braves fan it drew me to them 2. I was already a redsox...
  19. NWS


    It's going to be a boring world series. The Redsox are simply too good for anyone in the NL. It brings me joy to watch them destroy the Yankees and the Dodgers, two teams that I hate almost as much as I love the Redsox. Btw, I'm a braves fan too unless they are playing my boys from beantown.
  20. NWS


    Fuck you Karl!