I saw one selling Holy Water for gun broker pricesSuch a fucking sham, those TV preachers
I saw one selling Holy Water for gun broker pricesSuch a fucking sham, those TV preachers
Just try and sell as is.But should I do anything else to it first? It still desperately needs paint, the CV axles are shot (bought replacements a few years ago, haven’t put ‘em in) and there’s a strange vibration at 60+mph that could either be a warped drive shaft or maybe due to the bad CV axles…and the battery is pretty well shot from sitting for a year
Then the laundry list of smaller cosmetic things, like the cargo area carpet is torn and stained, antenna doesn’t retract, blah blah blah.
Thoughts, @Balthaz ?
Just try and sell as is.
To much work may not give a better return on investment.
I saw your post after I posted my response and could not agree more.I think that he should throw a new battery in it, if the old one is not holding a charge. But that's it. What do you think that he could get for the car in this market?
But does it have heat? Cause I'm on year 2 with no heat in my truckI wish you could too!!!!
Appears I’m on track to become a GSFA Chaplain for the fire dept. god bless
I had the pleasure of seeing ol Benny Hinn live when I was a child
Happy 24rndBirthday. I am old
Have you never seen STRIPES????first time I saw that van was on Breaking Bad and it still scares me, like genuinely gives me the heeby jeebies. I had to track it down on google and find out what it was
No, that's Miss Australia. And it was a Vegimite delivery van.Before you go all legit on us. I have question for you.
Is this Miss Demeanor?
I have seen that picture before. Not the meme, that is golden. I think that is her.
after reading this listing I almost want to buy the gun just so I can meet the dude in person to gauge just how much of a dumbass he really is
Item Relisted! FS/FT Ruger 10/22 1986
1986 Vintage Ruger 10/22 (According to Serial). Comes with 10 round magazine. There are a variety of signs of age and wear on the gun which I've tried to detail in the pictures. I bought it a few years ago and it was my first rifle. However, I don't have anywhere to shoot it and haven't used it...www.theoutdoorstrader.com
But…that’s smaller than the first Caddy you posted