
American Revival Apparel Company
  1. Red Dawn

    CMP added 1911 to the list.

    Will the 1911 be added. I hope so. That would open other doors including competitions but FFL will need to be added where the Army has never needed it before. Follow along and see if 10,000 sales a year will be available...
  2. Red Dawn

    Top 6 Special Forces Rifles not ARs

    This was a good read.
  3. Red Dawn

    Home Defense Salt Gun

    Check out project salt gun for home defense. Bug gun on roids !!
  4. Red Dawn

    TFB Top 5 Reasons Guns Are Bad

    I think you'll appreciate this video on how guns can in fact be bad.
  5. Red Dawn

    Shooting Clay Pigeons in a Ferrari

    This guys having too much fun !! Don't try this at home !!