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Faktory 47
  1. Rachie

    Holster causing pants to fall, how can i keep pants up??

    I have a holster for my glock 43 and its causing my pants to sag extremely bad on the carry side. Not only does it not look nice on me, its kind of a give away that im carrying. How can i keep my pants up while carrying a firearm, especially a small framed one like the Glock 43??
  2. Rachie

    Help with ammo with the primer seated incorrectly?

    I just came across some ammo online in 9mm that apparently has some of the primers seated incorrectly (at wrong depths) I'm just wondering what the draw back to that would be? At .149...
  3. Rachie

    Florida woman fatally shot during "shoot or don't shoot" training exercise

    Unreal how something like this happens by professionals. Completely inexcusable and grossly negligent behavior by the officer and anyone else responsible for checking weapons.
  4. Rachie

    "good guy with a gun" in the news

    Seems to me there are more and more stories hitting the main stream news about good guys with a gun stopping shootings lately. Anyone else notice an uptick in this type of reporting? Generally these things are burried and hard to find, but I can think of 3-5 in the last 2 months or so where...
  5. Rachie

    Best deals on ammo

    Are there any ammo makers in Ohio besides Buffalo overpriced reloads?
  6. Rachie

    Used Gun Prices Are Insane

    Why is everyone always trying to sell their used guns at new prices? Like if I wanted to pay $500 for a used glock that everyone is selling I'd just go to a gun shop and pick it up.
  7. Rachie

    Flying With A Handgun? How Do You Do It And What's The Best Way

    I'm going to be flying soon and want to take my handgun with me for protection at my destination. What is the best way to fly with a handgun? How do I check it in my bags and how do I need to carry it in the bag? Like locked, and separated from the ammo? Thanks for any tips and advice and...
  8. Rachie

    Everyday Carry Problems

    Anyone else run in to problems with their everyday carry setups? I have a FN 5.7 that enjoys poking holes in my pants and is feasting on a steady diet of my rib meat as well. So its been retired and now ive got the ole reliable glock on my hip. So far no issues with that.