Recent content by steven marlowe

Howard Law
  1. S

    [Article] - What a Trump Presidency Means For Your Gun Rights

    liberal states will still push their anti gun agendas and these people will not go away and we at least have someone on our side for the next 4 years at least, the best way to preserve this right is to educate and bring young people into our way of thinking they will have to preserve our rights...
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    [Article] - Here Are The 2 Pending Gun Laws You Need To Keep An Eye On In Ohio

    i have no problem with open carry but individuals should understand that the laws are different for each and just to strap on a gun  and openly display puts different laws into play, so you better know them before you are stopped in a traffic check or asked to leave a place of business, for me...
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    Concealed carry in public malls in ohio?

    mt theory is if it is concealed and a gun man comes in to kill what crime is more important to you
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    Lets talk about our concealed weapons we carry

    for nine years i have carried a Taurus .357 magnum 5 shot hammerless 2" barrel not a long range gun but within 15-20 feet it does iot job quite well
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    [Article] - What a Trump Presidency Means For Your Gun Rights

    one of the many reasons i voted for him
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    [Article] - What To Do If You Get Pulled Over While Carrying A Concealed Handgun In Ohio

    you did everything right and i would also mention at night turn on your dome light the more comfortable he is the better off you are